Chapter 2

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By now, a storm had moved in, and the harpy flock were huddled in the deep cave they called home. Edward lay at the entrance, lazily looking into the distance as drops of rain fell onto his nose. One of the large males looked up from preening his feathers and got up to lay with the alpha male.

"Have you come here to pity me, Randolf?" 

"What? Why would you think that...?"

"I've had a bad day. Big deal. I appreciate your sympathy, but Rebecca could be right. How have I not been challenged yet? I've been alpha for a year now."

"You're special, Edward. You don't kick us males out or restrict us. And although none of the others would say it, we appreciate it. So you never answered our question. Why do you let us stay here?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to try and find out." Edward chuckled and pawed at Randolf's head playfully.

"Haha, stop that!"

Randolf rolled onto his back and purred loudly, getting pinned down by Edward. The rest of the flock raised their heads at the noise, thinking it could be a battle for dominance. Edward looked down at the other male, grinning. 

"I appreciate you guys too." He licked Randolf's cheek a few times before getting off him and lying back down.

"T-thanks, I guess." Randolf got up and went back next to Edward. "So, we need to talk serious things now."

" what?"

"Like the shortage of food. We can't keep going on like this."

Edward sighed and shook his head.

"And what is there to do about it? We can't hunt outside our territory."

"Well it looks like we'll have to. Winter is approaching and we'll go into hibernation. The cubs are barely surviving as it is, they're not going to make it through winter without larger kills than we're getting now. I say some of us adults go scouting for food, and some stay behind to babysit. Please Edward, consider what's at stake here! Is the well-being of the flock not worth the risk of a fight with another?"

Edward grunted at Randolf's words. He was right. Alfheim was a vast and magical world, filled with life: except for their territory. The flock seriously needed to put some weight on for hibernation. Edward hoisted himself up and stretched.

"Very well then, Randolf. It would be wise to go now."

"True. Nocturnal hunting is far easier than in the bright sun, hm?" Randolf smiled.

"Yes. Now let's get everyone ready." Edward let out a long screech, calling the flock to attention. "Without doubt, you all heard mine and Randolf's decision?" The flock nodded. "Good. Hannah, Thora? You can be trusted to guard the cubs?"

The two females nodded and stepped back to tend to the squealing cubs.

"Come then the rest of you, we'll head West. May this hunt be a good one and end in success."

The flock all took off and headed West, their figures illuminated by the lightning of the storm. 

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