Chapter 1

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Edward looked around his vast countryside territory. Behind him was his harem of nine female harpies and six males. He cautiously sniffed the Autumn air, before turning to his harem. He locked his gaze on the alpha female, and spread his large wings to make himself look bigger.

"Rebecca, how much longer are we going to have to wait?" He growled.

"I've told you Edward, there's nothing we can do. Few prey items want to come here and eat dead grass, it's obvious. We're just going to have to catch smaller animals and-"

"We can't do that, we have cubs to feed as well as all of you!"

"Oh? Why would you care, they aren't even yours!" She snapped back at him.

There was a short silence, before she spoke up again.

"I think we've all established you're not exactly 'normal'. You've rejected the advances of every single female you've come across, and have let mature males stay in the flock and breed with them instead. So why? You're the alpha male, why on Alfheim are you guarding other males' cubs? It's a wonder you haven't been fought and killed for this territory yet."

Edward snarled and struck at her, his razor sharp claws leaving deep wounds on her cheek.

"It's complicated, okay? You wouldn't understand. I have no interest in you females other than companionship and hunting partners. If you so reject to fulfill this role in return for protection, food and shelter, then I will gladly send you on your way, or kill you in the process." The male harpy gave a final warning growl before heading back to the cave to check on the cubs.

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