Knights of Ardonia

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Lucan and Kiyoshi sat at a table with Null, Herobrine, and Thalleous, who was at the head of the table.
"Do we have information about the attack on Atteraxia?" Thalleous asked.
"No," Heribrine said. "The survivors are scattered across the land, whom we are still rounding up. Our Necromancer spy is helping captured humans and Felinas from the tunnels, but they're getting scarcely thin. The Ender riders are locating them, with the exception of locating Ardoni on the run."
Thalleous nodded. He limped of, wincing with every step. Lucan watched him leave, then turned to Null.
"Why is he limping like that?" He asked.
Null looked at Herobrine to speak for him.
"Well, you see, Thalleous was killed in an ambush by the Voltaris. He was speared by their leader, Tyren. Before a team retrieved the body, we replaced it using a spell, cast by a witch. We took his body to the base and our Necromancer revived him. He was mindless like a zombie for a few weeks, but we set his mind right. We're glad to have him on our team, but he is still healing. it wont be long until he is at his full strength.'

Kiyoshi looked where Thalleous left, and turned to Herobrine." He seems distracted. Is he normally like this?"

Herobrine thought for a moment. "I sometimes look into his mind, but its never new. He seems to have a young Clanless Ardoni on his mind. Its the same image, just before his death. His eyes were wide with horror and sadness."

"who was this kid?" Lucan asked.

Herobrine shook his head. "It doesn't reveal  anything about him, however i did seem him at Atteraxia. apparently, he is the son of the Deathsinger. He and a Nestoris are heading this way, with another group in pursuit."

With that, Null stood up and walked out, probably doing a look out for the 2 approaching Ardoni.

"The necromancer insider has been of some help, rescuing Felninas and humans alike. he's a rookie for them, so he would be at the back, making it easy to make escapes."

With that, a portal opened and a bunch of Felinas stumbled out, followed by Null. he lead them away from the room, to eat, rest and inform them of what the Necrolord was up to.






Senn ans Oris approached a large mountain, with an partially enclosed Ravine cutting into it like a knife wound. Looking into it, you could see some people walking in the lights coming from the Ravine.

"So, what is Ness like?" Senn asked.

"She's a bit crazy, though she's reasonable. She's smart and great at fighting. you'll like her." Oris said.

Senn looked down, not really looking at anything. He was distraught that he was the son of the worst ardoni in history. But he wasn't alone. There was Oris, and Ness, and they never found out. But he can't believe that Thalleous lied to him. He said that his parents were killed by the Voltaris, instead, his father killed many Innocent people.

They rode up the side of the mountain, their horses straining. Oris said that there was an entrance nearby, he just needed to find it.

They stopped on one of the more straighter sides, and Oris hopped off his horse. He began to feel around, looking for an unknown switch in the side of the mountain. All of a sudden, a latch opened in the side and Senn and Oris jumped. 2 spears poked out at them, both wielded by a fenina and human in blue and white armour. 

The human seemed to recognize Oris. "Ah, welcome back, Oris," he said.

"Hello, Draken," Oris said politely. The 2 guards lowered their spears and stepped back to let the two Ardoni in. Senn was greeted by a vast cavern, lit with glowing mushrooms, crystals and redstone ores. stretching from one side to the other were bridges and small houses, complete with fire places, weaponry and mining facilities. higher up was a balcony near the roof of the cavern, where some important things like strategy of war and and meetings would be held. down below them, was a mine, where lifts were carry people and ore up and down.

"We've been expecting your arrival," Draken said. Herobrine teleported here and said that you were heading this way. I do hope that no harm befell you on your journey."

Oris and Senn looked at each other. they did suffer harm, but it wasn't physical. they simply nodded to imply that they suffered no harm.

"Good. your presence is required on the Balcony." the felina said, pointing up to the overhanging balcony they saw earlier. Oris nodded, then led senn towards it.

"Have you been here before, Oris?" Senn asked.

"Yes. the last time i was here was about a year ago," Oris replied.

They passed a small group of burly Magmorites talking to some Ardoni. They nodded as they passed, and went back to talking.

Senn looked at the buildings they passed. they were lined with food stalls, selling bread, apples, pumpkin pie and other food that wafted the air with their scent.
Everyone looked so peaceful. Why couldn't he?
They continued to walk in silence, until they had reached the balcony. There was a large stone table, lit with overhead redstone lamps. There was a Felina and human at the table, looking at a map in the centre. To the side was Herobrine, with what looked like a shadow replica behind him, looking on.
The Felina looked up at them, an eyebrow raised. The human looked up too, and stood back.
'What brings you two here?' the Felina asked.

At this, Herobrine and the shadow looked up in union, both sets of white eyes fixed on the two ardoni.

"I know these two. They were in Atteraxia when the Voltaris attacked. They ran past me when i was getting Hubris out,' Herobrine said.

The shadow figure moved away from the table, a trail of smoke following it.

"We're looking for Hubris. He had an opening into the Knights of  Ardonia. I'm think I'm gonna join now," Senn said.

"Oh yeah, Null went to get him," Herobrine said.

"well, well, well, why it isn't the clanless ardoni, with... Oris? Hubris said, coming into the room.

"Oh, hello, Hubris," Oris said politely.

But Senn wasn't paying attention. Null had brought in another Ardoni. He was limping, bent over the abdomen like he was injured. 

Because he was. The wound had killed him. But...

"Thalleous?" Senn said, looking at the blue ardoni standing by Null.

Thalleous locked eyes with Senn for a few seconds, his eyes wide.

Then he burst into tears of joy. Thalleous ran over to Senn and grabbed him into a crushing hug. Senn stayed still, stunned that he was alive, angry that he had hid that fact that he was Deathsinger's son, but happy that he wasn't dead.


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