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Senn ran through the tunnels, trying not to look back. The Ardoni already in the tunnels casted him strange glares as he ran past, with a Nestoris in hot pursuit.

"Hey, wait up!" Oris called.

"No!" Senn simply called, panting but not stopping to rest.

Oris activated his speed Song and crashed into Senn, both falling to the ground.

The other Ardoni separated to make way for the tumbling Ardoni, as they rolled down the tunnel.

Senn found his footing and leaped up, and continued running. Oris followed after.

"Look, i didn't know, either! My mother told me that my father died at the hands of The Deathsinger! I didn't think that he was my father!" Oris called after him.

Senn kept going, tears blurring his vision. He past Hadion and Herobrine on his way, with the pair looking at him as he ran past, Oris close behind. They hadn't of known what had happened. They looked at each other for any clarification, then Herobrine shrugged.

Senn burst through the exit of the tunnel, but didn't slow down. His chest hurt from running, his breathe coming out in hard, short puffs. Other survivors looked on as he kept running.

Then, Oris crashed into him again, having used his speed Song again. Senn kicked at him with all his might, but Oris kept his grip. Then, finally, Senn hit hard enough to loosen the grip. Oris clutched his side, wincing from the strike and Senn hit him in the face. He got to his feet and kept going. Oris called out to him again, but Senn barely heard him. Thalleous' words were in his head, from when they were in Crown Peak.

"Your... parents were both killed by the Voltaris, and you were the only one of your brothers and sisters I could save," he had said. It was a lie, this whole time. Senn tripped on a loose rock and fell down, letting out a small huff.

Oris came up behind him, panting. He went to sit beside him, and Senn didn't move.

"Look, i didn't know my self. i doubt Ness knew either, if not, anyone. You're in the same boat as I am, Senn. Who told you about your parents?" Oris said between breathes.

Senn simply stayed silent.

"I know where to go. It's a long way from here. We'll be safe there," Oris went on.

Senn thought about this and gave up. Oris was going to follow him no matter where he went, so it was best to go to the Knights.

"I have a horse, we can get there faster," Oris said, pointing to a white stallion that was roped nearby.

"So do I," Senn simply said.

"OK, i'll show you the way, maybe someone can help us there with our... situation," Oris said.
Oris walked off to grab his horse, leaving Senn to grab Timber. Soon after, they rode off to find the Knights of Ardonia.
Thalleous, Achilliean and Ria ran out, followed by Herobrine, Selena and Hadion.
"So you mean to tell me, that Senn and your son are The Deathsinger's children?" Ria demanded.
"I didnt want them to know. I didnt even know if Oris' brother survived," Selena tried to reason with the young ardonian.
"They passed us not too long ago,"Herobrine said.
More survivors, like Igneous, Abigail and Val, ran over to them.
"They just rode off, something to do with the Knights of Ardonia," Igneous said.
"I know where they are," Herobrine said. "We have to find them before the Voltaris do,"
"Then let's get some horses, and go," Thalleous said.
"Oh, but I can't ride a horse, cus im too heavy," Igneous pipped up
Amy walked up to the group, her dragon circling nearby.
"I'll let you ride my dragon, and I'll hitch-hike on Luna," She said, pointing up to the circling dragon.
Achilliean nodded and asked a group of nearby Ardoni for horses. Soon after, 6 gleaming horse, each with 2 Ardoni, with Herobrine using teleportation, and 2 enderdragons, they set off to find the hidden rebels known as the Knight of Ardonia.

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