Under Cover

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The Necrolord walked in the tunnels, flanked by the Felina and Undead. Up ahead, captured humans and Felinas were digging the tunnels, very slowly. so he was going there to give them... Motivation.

One of the guard had proven something of a surprise. He wore not a black robe, but a purple one, and he sported the same skull mask as he did. Still, he was a worthy Necromancer, and he was a great asset to use.

The necromancer looked at him from his post, where he held a group of Felinas mining iron ore in the wall. No resource was going to waste in these tunnels. they were to be used in weapons and armour.

The Necrolord nodded to the necromancer as he walk past, approval of the rookie. The horde of Undead growled behind him as they past the small group. One Undead tried to get to the felinas for a snack, but the necromancer looked at him, his skull's eyes glowing. The zombie softly growled and fell back in line.




The necromancer waited until the Necrolord was no where in sight. Then he moved.

"Ok, go," he said. the Felinas looked at him, confused.

"If you want to defeat these guys, do as I say. Now, go!" he said.

The Felinas dropped their tools and ran. there were no guards down there, so it would be an easy escape. He had been helping the humans and Felinas escape, little by little, to warn the Surface of the Necrolord's intention. So far, he's been successful.
As one felina passed, he grabbed her arm.
"It needs to look like an escape," he whispered, and handed her a large rock. Knowing what was needed, she simply grabbed it, and bashed it over his head, and he collapsed, unconscious.
" Oi! Get up, rookie. Where are the felinas?"
The necromancer woke up, his head abit fuzzy from the rock.
A necromancer stood over him, flanked by a group of zombies.
"Uh, they attacked me, one hit me over the head with a rock," he said groggily.
The necromancer shook his head.
"That's another group that's escaped you. This time, I'm telling His Lord." he said gruffly.
The necromancer shuddered. Just the mention of The Necrolord gave him the creeps. But he needed to do this. It was his mission.
He and the necromancer walked down to the lower levels, which echoed the sound of zombies and skeletons. He soon found the Necrolord, surrounded by the Undead  and the Felina he kept under close observation.
The two necromancer kneeled to him, though under his mask, he gritted his teeth.
"Well, what is it?" The necrolord asked impatiently.
"My lord, the rookie has let yet another group of prisoners escape, letting him get bashed over the head," the other necromancer said. He clearly hated him, always making it seem that he had let prisoners go.
The Necrolord ticked his tongue a few times, clearly disappointed.
"Well, this time, he's going to get them back. Go and retrieve the prisoners, or die," the Necrolord growled.
From here, he swore he felt the necromancer kneeling beside him smile.
The necromancer nodded and left the tunnel. He picked up his skull from his former post and slung his sword across his back. He emerged from the tunnels and took a long deep breath of fresh air. He looked around and trudged into the woods. If there was one person the Necrolord had to fear, it was him. He has yet to show his full potential, but he's still under cover. Until then, he was the Rookie, a low end useless person that goes on the front line to defend. But dread ran in his blood. He was the Dreadlord, and he struck dread into the strongest of people. For now, he stalked through the woods, opened a portal and landed infront of the escaped felinas.
They stumbled back in fear and shock.
The Dreadlord opened another portal and turned to them.
"Go through there, you'll find the Knights of Ardonia, they'll protect you," he said gruffly. The felinas quickly ran into the portal without a word. After they had disappeared, he closed the portals and walked through the forest, pretending to search for the felinas.

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