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The sunlight bared down on the field, filling the area with a comfortable warmth. There were young ardoni everywhere, Mendoris, Kaltaris, Nestoris and Sendaris alike. There was a group practising sparring with spears and swords, circling each other. Another group were doing target practice, while another were practising their Songs. Ness, Oris and Senn walked passed everyone, looking for a clear area to train.
"My instructor was a Mendoris named Val, hopefully she has a fresh group we can join," she said.
Senn looked at all the Ardoni training. How can he ever be that good?
They joined up with a small group, a mix of Kaltaris and Mendoris, all around Senn's age. They all turned to him, and began to whisper to each other. Senn didn't hear much, but he heard a Mendoris whisper to her Kaltaris partner "I've never seen a clanless Ardoni before."
"Ok, welcome to Song practice, my name is Val, and I will be your instructor," a female Mendoris, her markings a light shade of pink.
"Today I will be joined by some other people who will oversee your training," she called, and she stepped aside to reveal the supervisors.
One was Hubris, Achillean, Galleous, Ria and twin Thalleous.
Wait, when did the others get here? Senn thought, but he shook his head. He needed to focus.
"Right, I want everyone to show us your songs," Val called.
Senn pulled out his song, along with Oris and Ness.
"Wait, didnt you have a Mobilium song, Oris?" Senn asked.
"It was borrowed from a friend, I have it back," he said.
All around them, the Ardoni started pulling out their songs, a sea mixed with reds, blues, yellows and greens, the hum from the small cubes filled there like a choir.
"Alright, Protiseum songs to the left with the Agressium, Supporium and Mobillium to the right," Val commanded.
The crowd split, 2 pairs of colours mixing with the rest. Senn and Ness were paired up with a Kaltaris that was a deep shade of green, as if he came from a murky river in the jungle, and the Mendoris who whispered about Senn. Oris was paired with a Nestoris male and 2 Sendoris females.
"Right, let's get this over with. Who here hasn't used a Song before?" Val called.
Senn, the Kaltaris and the 2 Sendaris raised their hands.
"Right, you will be paired with me and Thalleous. Erm, the older one, if you will," Val said.
Senn nodded.
"Who knew i would be trained under the Great Thalleous Sendaris. I thought he died," muttered the Kaltaris
"He did. I saw it myself," Senn muttered to the Ardoni.
"Wait, really? What happened?" The Kaltaris whispered to him.
"We had just come back from Crown Peak and it was attacked by the Voltaris. He tried to flee by Tygren threw a spear straight through him," Senn whispered back.
"Alright enough jibber jabbering, and let's go," Thalleous called as he went towards a training area. The Kaltaris and Senn followed, leaving Ness and the Mendoris behind.
"What's your name?" The Kaltaris asked.
"I'm Senn, what about you?" Senn responded
"I'm Atlas Kaltaris. My ancestor was killed by The Deathsinger, he was the Master at the time," Atlas said.
"Oh," Senn merely said.
As soon as they had reached the clearing, Thalleous turned to face them.
"Ok, now stand in a line, the both of you," Thalleous ordered. They quickly obeyed.
"Now, let's get this over with. You may have heard rumours of my death. Those are true, however a witch brought me back to lead the rebellion against The Deathsinger. And since I died, my songs have been taken, so I'll have to do with this one," Thalleous said, and he drew a diamond sword. He pointed it at a nearby rock, and began to concentrate. Green particles surrounded the rock, and it began to float a foot off the ground, before crashing back down. Thalleous seemed to lean over heavily onto his sword, as if his energy was greatly sapped.
"I still need to get my strength back, so I can't do that for another while," he gasped.
Atlas and Senn looked at each other, worried. As Senn could remember, Thalleous was greatly known to be a great warrior l, known for his strength and stamina. This was just a husk of what was.
"Now, let me see your Songs," Thalleous said, recovering his breath.
Atlas held his out, a Agressium song.
"Someone found this in the Tabor Crags, surrounded by dead Voltaris," Atlas said.
"Thalleous grabbed it and inspected it. After an age, he looked up from it.
"This used to below to Zinaida Voltaris. He used the song Aggrostorm. It creates something similar to a vortex or tornado. Use it wisely," Thalleous said, and gave it back to Atlas.
Senn held his out, and Thalleous took it. It didn't take as long as Atlas for him to figure it out.
"I gave you this song back in Sendaria. It is Protosphere. It will protect you with a small sphere. It can protect up to three people if you are strong or fluent enough with it," Thalleous said, giving it back to Senn.
"Right, in order to use your Song, you need to work on your stamina. I will give you each a wooden sword for you to spare with," he said, and he walked behind a rock and picked up to wooden swords.
Senn grabbed his and readied himself. Lucky for him, he had been training with Ria for some time, so at least he knew how to use it.
Atlas held his up and positioned himself floor face Senn.
"Begin," Thalleous called.
Senn and Atlas began to circle each other, swords raised. Each one tried to fake each other out, each flinching. Then Atlas made a move.
He dashed forward, and struck his sword towards Senns abdomen. Senn parried and swung for the shoulders.
Atlas spun out of the way and resumed circling. Senn then decided to go for an attack this time, and dashed straight at Atlas, sword drawn.
3 hours later, they return to the other group, worn out and bruising.
"How did they go?" Val asked.
"A little work can be down, but they performed well," Thalleous said.
"Well, that's good to hear. Maybe soon they will move onto Song practice," she commented.
"Well, that concludes our lesson for the day, remember to return to your dorms before dark," Val said, and she went over to the supervisors to talk. Oris and Ness walked up to Senn.
"How did you go?" Oris asked
"Atlas was a little better trained than me, but I think I did alright," Senn replied.
"And so you should. Those sparring lessons you used to have with Ria have really paid off," Thalleous said from behind Senn.
He spun around to face him.
"Yeah, I guess so," Senn mumbled. He was still made at him for not telling him, but it will come later.

Songs of War season 3: The Second Great WarWhere stories live. Discover now