The trackers

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A clap of thunder and a flash of lightning erupted from the dense forest, creating a mist. Herobrine stepped out and looked around. The canopy provided shelter from the elements for the small cottage that resided there. A horse stable and wheat farm were hit by the small pockets of sunlight that scrapped through the dense leaves overhead. The telltale sound of grinding steel told him that someone was home. He started to make his way towards the house when a dog started to bark. The large white wolf barrelled down the stairs and growled at him. He kneeled down and extended a hand towards it. The dog didn't move, but sniffed in his direction.
"I need to see your master, its urgent," he told it.
"I wonder if its urgent enough for you to show your face around here," a voice said.
Herobrine looked up to see his double. The only way to tell them apart was that one had normal blue eyes.
"Hello, Steve. And yes, it is," he said, straightening up.
"Herobrine, what did i say to you if you showed your face again?" Steve said, crossing his arms.
"You'd chop me up and feed me to your dog, and use my remains as bone meal and fertiliser," he sighed.
"Why risk it?" Steve said.
"The Voltaris are back with the Nether. They ambushed the Knights and took a clanless Ardoni that Thalleous is fond of. I need you and Alex's help to track them," Herobrine said.
"Helping the Knights, eh? That's a bit low for you. Whatever happened to conquering the dimensions and all that?" Steve said.
"There are bigger things than that. I helped the Tidesinger during the Great War. I dont like the Nether, if their always trying to conquer what I once tried to conquer. And besides, I left all that behind me when Achillean called for help," he said.
"Whats in it for us?" Steve said
"You have powerful connections. You can go to people who hate me more that you. We need to fight the Deathsinger before he gets the Prime Songs," Herobrine said
Steve stopped. "The Deathsinger? He's back? How long ago?" He asked
"A few months at least. He hasn't found any Prime songs but he has someone how knows where one is," he said.
Steve stopped to think.
"Fine, I'll send Alex to contact some people and I'll start the hunt," Steve said. He turned around and went back into the house. A few moments later, he had a backpack and was closely followed by Alex. She watched Herobrine closely.
"Alex," Herobrine merely said.
"Herobrine," Alex returned the greeting.
Steve brought round his horse. "We'll start from the mountains and work from there. Any more clues?" he asked

Herobrine thought for a moment. "Try the old Voltaris camps, they could still be using them," he said. With that, Steve and Alex nodded and hopped onto the horse and rod off, the wolf in close pursuit. Herobrine waited till they were gone, and then with a flash of light, he was gone 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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