Chapter 12

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- Few days Later

Cam's POV
I am currently walking around town to find some perfect scenery . Nah , i'm just really bored so i went out . This girl walked by me and i stopped in my tracks . I ran to her and started talking to her .
" Hey , um i thought you were pretty so i decided to come and talk to you ." I said shyly while scratching the back of my head .
" Why thank you ? What's your name ?" She asked in what felt like a beautiful voice .
" Oh .. um my name is Cameron or just cam . whatever you prefer ." i said shyly . i really felt as if i was going to wet my pants . oh gosh .
" Well , I'm Kaylan . I'm just here in La for a few days or so for some photography business . We should hang , Can i get your number ?" Wow , she was straight forward and confident . I like that in a girl . I handed her my iphone 5 . She handed me the same thing . We then exchanged numbers and i had to go .

Myles' POV
I am currently making beats and I heard my phone goin' off . The screen name read ' My queen 👑😘' . I immediately answered .

myles i am really in a bad state right now . can you please pick me up ? i am right outside our old house .

yes , i'll be there in 10 .

I ended the call and got Jacob . I buckled him into his carseat and drove so fast .
" Dada , i'm scared ." Jacob cried out . I reassured him and he fell asleep within the 5 mins before we got to the old house . As soon as , i got to the house i saw the door open and heard loud cries . I ran upstairs , where i heard the cries , and saw Elizabeth broke down on the floor .
" hey , shhh . its okay Liz ." i rocked her and brought her back to the car . We drove home and just stayed in .

Kalin's POV
It has been really hectic with a newborn and 2 year old . I am currently trying to get Anastasia to sleep so that Malia can sleep in . I haven't really been getting any sleep because i am the one who takes care of the kids since i am on break and Malia has a job or whatever it is that she has . I finally get Ana down and rest .

Jake's POV
Dom is in her last trimester which means that she could pop whenever . She is 9 months as of a few days ago . i am so excited that we are having a boy . I can teach him all the guy stuff and Djing . We are currently laying down and Dom went to go to the bathroom .
" Jake !! JAKEEEEEE !" Dom yelled with a scream .
" What's happening ?" I asked stupidly .
" I'm in labor , duh !" she said pulling up her pants and walking down to the car . I grabbed the baby bag and we drove to the hospital . As soon as we got there , i texted everybody and they showed up real quick . The doctor told us that only 2 people besides me can come in and i chose kalin and Elizabeth . I know they aren't together , but they are going to be the godparents of my kid . I walk in and take one last breath . I cannot believe i am going to be a father in less then a few long stressful hours .
-- 17 hours later
Dom's POV
I am so humble and happy to have had my son . this is such a blessing to have him in this world .
" So what's the name going to be ?" Kalin asked with his arm around Elizabeth .
" His name is Adriel Xavier Parrish ." I smiled as i looked loving to him .
" Thats amazing and unique ." Elizabeth said .
" Oh and Elizabeth , Kalin .. I want you guys to be the godparents of Adriel ." I said .
" Thanks guys . " Elizabeth and Kalin hugged Jake and I . Then they hugged each other . I am so glad to finally have a family with the person who make me happier every single day i am with him . I love you , Jake Parrish .

/ / the ending is so emotional . 😭😭😊 I am so happy for Dom and Jake . They had Adriel . 💁😍❤️ Much love - Mary 💗💁//

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