Chapter 11

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Dom's POV
( a/n during the first few months of Dom's pregnancy they got married . they got engaged about 1 after malia and the rest did so its been a long time . 😭😂 ) I am almost to my last ( 8-9 ) months of being pregnant and its been getting harder and harder . I can barely walk or even stand for a matter of fact . my feet are so swollen i have to wear nike slippers that are a little bit bigger than my normal size .
" Jakeeeeeeeee !" I yelled . we went to the doctors last week for check ups and they put me on bed rest since i look to unfulfilling to do anything .
" Yes , pregger lady ?" Jake said with a funny tone .
" First don't call me that , and please can you get me soup ." I said with my hand on my semi big belly . I smiled and saw Jake standing there with a smile too .
" Oh and what kind of soup do you want ?" Jake asked .
" Beef soup , you know the ramen we have in the pantry ." I said with a pleasing smile .
" Okay be right back ." He smile before leaving to go downstairs . I turned on the tv and saw someone i least expected to be on tv . Valeria .

Kalin's POV
We are finally home and Andrew runs to us .
" Mama , dada !" Andrew screams .
" Shhh , baby sister sleeping ." Malia said . He looks down and begins to cry .
" Oh no baby , its okay . Mama is just a little tired ." I said to reassure Andrew .
" Okay ." Andrew says still looking down .
" Hey guys ? Glad your finally home ." Elizabeth and Myles says . Jacob is walking and went to play with Andrew upstairs .
" Yeah , me too ." I said in a relief .

Elizabeth's POV
I am currently by myself walking around La . I grabbed out my camera and took a picture of a really artsy downward looking picture of the street . another one of a couple silhouette with the sky all perfect . More and more to be featured . I saw that i was at or by i should say , our old house that we used to live in . We still own the house , we just don't use it but the boys do for the beats and stuff . I walked in and all the memories flashed before my eyes . I trembled to my knees and cried .

Cam's POV
Me and Ana didn't last that long again . I mean if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't . i am focusing on my photography , videography and more . Ana is with some other dude name Sean and i'm currently single so yeah . I feel bad for letting her go , but its the past . I just figured it was for the best since after that day she came home after she was drunk . She just got really pissed and just lashed out . We fought all the time during that period of weeks . It was just so awful . relationships don't last forever , and if it does then it was meant to be , but id it doesn't then it wasn't meant to be .

// Oh my gosh , Cam is heartbroken . 😭 I am basically just so ready for the next few chapters . 😋 anyways check out my other book what it's all about . It may not be about Kam or anything like that , but trust me its a good book . i don't have a good feeling about the book , but its my writing and its okay if many of you don't like it . anyways much love and appreciation . 🙏❤️ - Mary //

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