you think he's cheating - henry hart

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I wasn't one to assume, but things were different. Ever since Henry and I started dating, the more I realized his absence. Every time I would go to his house, I was informed that he was at work, or doing something ridiculous like, going to Jasper's Beatboxing Competition.

Which I knew that Jasper couldn't beatbox. 

And when I went to Junk N' Stuff, I was told that he wasn't there, or he was too busy to come out from the basement. 

And now here I was sitting on my bed, debating on even going over to his house. Again, I wasn't one to assume, but Henry has been super suspicious. And I felt horrible to assume that something was going on.

I knew Henry, and he never seemed to be the type of person to cheat. He was too nice, too sweet to do that. But I had to make sure. 

I instantly walk to his house, and knock on the door quickly. Maybe this was a bad idea. 

The doors opens to reveal his little sister, Piper. 

"Oh, hey Y/N. Henry isn't here, he's at work." She said walking away from the door, letting me walk in. I close the door and follow her to the couch. She grabs her phone, and continues to type on it. 

"Hey, Piper. Can I talk to you? Girl to girl?" I ask her, and she sets the phone down to look at me. 

"Of course. You and Charlotte are the only girls I tolerate that are associated with Henry." She said shrugging her shoulders. I smile, putting my feet underneath me and turning to her. 

"Your brother..."

"Henry." She said shaking her head. 

"Yes, Henry." I say. "Is he always gone, I mean, does he always seem to disappear?" 

"I mean, yeah. Ever since he got that job a few years ago, but lately it has been a lot more." She answered. Well that didn't make me feel any better. 

"Piper, please tell me that I'm just worried and being irrational. But, do you think Henry would be with another girl?" I ask her and she raises her eyebrow. 

"As in, cheating on you?" She asks stunned. I nod quickly, messing with my fingers. 

"Listen, my brother and I might not be the closest siblings and fight all the time, but I know one thing for sure. Henry would never cheat on you. He likes you way to much!" She said. 

"It's just, he's been so distant. I never see him. And, I don't know." I sigh, putting my head into my hands. 

"Listen Y/N, I wouldn't worry about it." She smiled putting her hand on my knee. I shake my head agreeing with her. 

"I'll go wait in his room until he comes back." I tell her. She nods and goes back to her phone. I walk up the stairs, and head to his room. I lay on his bed, and go on my phone. 

After two hours, I fell asleep on his bed. It was already 9 p.m. 

I slowly wake up to his door opening. Henry walks in and sees me. He closes the door behind him. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He said walking up to me. I turn my body over to look at him. 

"I was waiting for you to come back from work." I yawn sitting up. 

"You should have texted me, I would have tried to get off sooner." He sat in front of me, rubbing my leg.

"That's okay. I had a good nap." I laugh, in which he shakes his head. "How was work?"

"Stressful." He answered, grabbing my waist, and falling on top of me so we were both laying down. He hides his face in the crook of my neck, and I run my hand through his hair. I feel him give me a light kiss on my neck. 

I really didn't want to bring this up now, but I needed to ask him this. To be completely sure. 

"Hey, Henry." I say. 

"Hm." He mumbles against my neck, kissing it again. 

"Can we talk?" I ask him, and he immediately stops and removes his face from my neck, which was now hovering over my face. 

"About what?" He asks with a worried face. 

I push him off a little, and we were both sitting up. He looks at me, his eyes searching mine. 

"You've been super distant lately, and you're always gone at work, or you make up these dumb excuses to leave. It just makes me think that, there is someone else." I tell him, looking down at the bed. 

"You think I'm seeing someone else?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed. I sigh, looking around the room trying not to make eye contact with him. 

"Y/N." He grabs my hand, making me finally look at him. 

"I mean, Henry. I never see you, and it's like you don't want to see me. So just be honest with me, is there another girl?" I ask, and I could feel myself about to cry. 

"No, no, Y/N. I swear, I would never cheat on you. I would never do that to you." He explained scooting closer. 

I stand up from the bed, and walk towards the middle of the room. 

"So why are you always gone? Why do you make these crazy excuses to leave?" I ask, him following me. He turns me around to face him. 

"I can't really explain it. But you must know, I like you Y/N. Just you. Only you." He said putting his hands on my waist. "I will explain everything to you one day, but right now, it's kind of impossible."

"You promise that you aren't seeing anyone else?" I ask looking up at him. 

"I promise." He says. "And I promise to tell you what's going on as soon as possible. I can't lose you."

I smile softly, hearing his words. And I believed that he was truly genuine. 

"Good, cause I can't lose you either." I tell him putting my arms around his neck. He kisses me passionately, and my knees grew weak from his touch. 

"Now, where were we?" He asked, pushing me back to the bed. 

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