the interview - jace norman

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"Do I really have to do this interview?" I ask Riele as she straightens my hair. I look in the mirror noticing how pale and scared I looked. 

I feel her turn my chair around, so that she was now looking at me. 

"Why are you so nervous Y/N?" She asks looking across my features. "Is this about Jace?"

"What, no. NO." I quickly get up from the chair, beginning to pace in front of her. 

She gives me the look, knowing that I was lying straight to her face. 

"Of course this is about Jace! That interviewer is so going to ask about us and the show!" I say in a panic stricken voice, and Riele took notice in this. 

"Just tell the interviewer the truth? Which, now that I think about it, what is the truth?" She raises an eyebrow at me, and I plop down on the couch that was in the trailer. 

"You're asking the wrong girl. At first, I thought were just two professional actors playing love interests on the show, but now. Everything is different Riele." I sigh, putting my face into my hands.

"Different how?" She asks sitting next to me. 

"I wouldn't say we're dating, but we're definitely not just friends. How am I supposed to answer the question, 'So, Y/N and Jace, what's your relationship outside work?', huh Riele?" I groan leaning back on the couch. 

"And I can't lie. The paparazzi has seen us walk out of each other's houses and seen us hanging out in public."

"Just say you two are friends, easy." She shrugs her shoulders, pulling me back to the chair to finish my hair. 

I look back into the mirror, sighing to myself mentally. 

What if I didn't want to tell them that? What if I wanted to tell them the truth? Tell them that Jace and I did have something?

The only problem is, what did Jace feel? 

He was quite complicated, and I couldn't tell what he really wanted. 

We hang out almost everyday, and I can't lie and say that we haven't shared a few kisses. 

I take a deep breath, just waiting to get this over with. 


I walk onto set, seeing the backdrop ready with three seats in front of it. Two of them had both of our names on it, and the third was just a normal one. 

"Hey." I hear behind me, making me jump slightly. 

"Woah, someone's kind of on edge." Jace laughed, holding onto my arm. I give a small laugh.

"Just a little." I whisper, looking back at the chairs. I feel him grab my hand, turning back around to face him. 

"Hey, you got this Y/N. I'll be there the whole time. If you don't feel comfortable answering a question, I got you." He smiles and I nod, a little more calm now. 

"Jace, Y/N, we ready?" Mike, our director, asks walking up to us. We both nod and make out way to our seats. The cameraman walks in, getting the camera ready. I take a deep breath, nervous for my first interview ever. 

I then feel Jace's hand on mine that was sitting on my thigh. I look up at him and he gives me a small smile. I give him one back, and the interviewer walks in. She was talking with Mike, going over the questions. 

I remove my hand from my thigh, making Jace remove his hand from mine. He raises his eyebrow in question, but before I could say anything, the interviewer walked up to her chair. 

"Hello, Jace and Y/N." She smiled, and we both smile back. 

"How are you two doing today?" She asks pulling out her notebook.

"We are doing great, how you are you?" Jace asks.

"Great, so I guess my first question is how is your relationship on the show?" She asks, and Jace looks at me to answer. 

"Well," I cough, "Our characters, Henry and C/N met on C/N's first day of school, and they kind of just hit it off from there." 

Jace continues, "C/N then finds out Henry's secret, which brought them closer and now they are dating on the show." 

I nod my head agreeing with him, looking back at the interviewer. We didn't want to give away too much for this season, so we kept it simple. 

"I've noticed that you two have grown rather close over the past few weeks when filming, is that true?" She asks. 

"Yes, we have. We all have fun on the set, and we've definitely let Y/N into the family." Jace answers, noticing that I was tensing up. 

"Now, I have to ask. I've been seeing you two hang out in public by yourselves. Are you two dating?" She asks and I begin to freak out. I was really hoping that she wouldn't answer this question. 

I look over at Jace, who was already looking at me. 

He realizes that I wasn't going to answer. 

"Um, no. We are not." He laughs, nodding his head. 

"Y/N?" She asks me, and I quickly look up from my lap. 

"Um, no?" I say in almost a question, "I mean, no. No, we are not."

She raises an eyebrow at us, looking between Jace and I. I give her an awkward smile, but she finally moves onto the next questions. I take a breath of relief, and begin to answer her other questions.

After the interview, we shake her hand and watch her leave. I turn to Jace, and realize he was already gone. Confused, I stand up from my chair and walk away. Before I get very far, I feel someone grab my arm and pulling me off set. 

"Oh hey." I say when we get to the living room set.

"Hey." He smiled looking down at me. 

"What an interview, right?" I ask, walking to the orange couch. He follows me and sits next to me. 

"Yeah." He sighs and I notice his tone. 

"What's up?" I ask, turning my body towards him. 

"It's just...I didn't like telling her that we weren't dating." He sighed, and I look at him confused. 

"Why? We're not dating." I tell him letting out a small laugh. He then just looks at me. 

" want to be dating?" I say after a moment of silence. "Is that true?"

I watch him decide what to say next. I could see the gears turning in his head, and I was nervous to hear what he had to say. 

"I have to be honest with you Y/N, over the past few weeks I've started to develop feelings for you. And when we kissed that night when I was over at your apartment, I couldn't deny those feelings. But, it's okay if you don't want to because you obviously don't like me and I-"

I stop him by kissing him roughly, making him lean back in surprise. When he realizes, he kisses me back instantly, putting his hand on my face. 

"Sorry, you were rambling." I sigh, breaking away from the kiss. 

"Does this mean that you like me?" He whispers against my lips. I give him a small nod, making both of our smiles grow big. 

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