Peter Parker and Henry Hart Imagine

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I walk into the Man Cave and see everyone crowded around a machine. Confused, I walk over, standing next to Henry and Charlotte. 

"What's going on? And what is that?" I ask looking at the strange machine. It was quite large and it had a million buttons. 

"This, is my new machine that I built." Schwoz said coming out from behind it. I raise my eyebrows, looking at it. 

"He said that it takes people to other dimensions." Ray explained, circling it. 

"Other dimensions? Those are real?" I ask.

"Remember the storm that we had a little while back, and Henry and I went to other dimensions?" Charlotte asks, and I finally remember. 

I didn't know about the secret that time, but the group always told me stories about their adventures. 

"We're not actually sure if it works or not." Schwoz said tinkering more with the machine. I nod my head, and walk over to the monitors. Henry follows me.

"Are you still down for game night?" He asks me and I smile. Henry and I have always been friends but recently we find more time to hang out with each other.

"I'll have to check in with my parents, they're always worrying about me." I tell him pushing random buttons that connected to the screens, looking at the cameras around Swellview. 

"Do you think we should test it out?" Ray asked Schwoz. Henry and I look over at them, and Charlotte and Jasper walk towards us. 

"I don't know if it's ready yet. I don't even know what dimension it goes to or how someone would come back if they were sent there." Schwoz answered. Ray then walks up to the machine, inspecting it more. 

"Hey, what does this button do?" Ray asks, pointing at it. 

"Don't push it." Schwoz answered, looking away from him and at some blueprints.

"I'll push it if I want to push it." Ray mumbled, pushing the button. Then, a small laser gun came out of the top of it, pointing at us. 

"Uh, Schwoz." Charlotte said as we all look at it. 

"It looks like it's about to fire at us!" I scream, standing up from the chair. Schwoz turned around and looked at the button that was being pushed by Ray. 

"Ray!" He screamed swatting his hand away. But it was too late, the laser began to shoot Henry, Jasper, Charlotte and I. I scream, holding onto Henry and burying my face into his shirt. His arms grips around me.

After a few seconds, it was quiet. But moments later I begin to hear cars honking. I look up from his shirt, and I see that we were on a balcony of a building. I let go of Henry, and notice that we were all looking at each other. 

"Where are we?" Jasper asks, walking towards the edge of the balcony. I follow him, looking over the city. 

"I think we're in New York City." I say over the wind that was blowing in my hair. 

"New York City? But I thought it would send us in another dimension, not another city." Charlotte added, standing next to me. 

"Wait, what building is this?" I ask looking around. I notice that it seemed super fancy and had gadgets everywhere. I walk away from the edge to explore more of the inside. 

"On the side of the building, it says A. I've never seen that building in New York City before." Jasper said following me. 

"Maybe we are in a different dimension. The thing is, which one?" I ask seeing how really nice this place was. Everything was mostly made out of glass, and it looked like a billionaire lived here.

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