colorful - henry hart

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I smiled happily as I stared down at my painting. It looked pretty good, and probably my best one so far. 

I wiped my hands on my face, wiping away my sweat probably smearing paint on my face. For another period, I continued to paint until I was done. I grabbed my cup of water and a small can of paint in my hands, making my way out the art room. 

I whistled to myself in the hallway thinking that nobody was here. I turned around the corner, bumping into someone. 

I gasped loudly, holding my free hands over my mouth, my cup and paint spilling on the person. They gasped as well.

I look up as the boy who was already looking at me with his eyes wide. It was all over his hands and clothes. I cursed at myself for being so clumsy. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I took a small towel out of my apron, and tried rubbing the paint off his flannel and his hands. Sadly, it was only making it worse. 

"It's uh okay." He said with a soft voice, looking down at me as he tensed up. 

"No it's not. I ruined your shirt, and that paint won't be coming off anytime soon." I said, feeling guilty. 

He smiles at me lightly.

"Luckily, I have an extra shirt in my locker. And I'm sure I can wash my hands." He said, making me smile back at him. 

"Well um, I should probably grab the mop." I say backing up towards the closet. I turn around to walk and mentally slapped myself for spilling water and paint on a cute boy. I open the door, grabbing the mop and heading back after filling the bucket with water. 

To my surprise, he was still standing there, leaning on the wall watching me. I look down to see him in new shirt and his hands somewhat washed off, leaving small spots of yellow paint. 

"Don't you have class?" I tell him, starting to ring out the mop. 

"I thought I could help. It's also my fault." He said pushing off the wall. 

"No way. I made the mess, I spilled the paint all over you, I deserve to clean it up." I say starting to mop the floor. He starts to grab the mop from me, but I pull it away from him. But he doesn't give up, trying to take it. 

I let go of the mop, but when I let go, the end of the mop hits his forehead making him groan loudly. 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, again." I wince, knowing now that any chance I had with this boy, was over. 

"It's okay, don't even worry about it." He said touching the spot on his forehead that was red, soon to be purple. 

"Let me get an ice pack from the nurse." I begin to walk away, but he grabs my wrist, telling me he was fine. 

Soon, we started taking turns mopping the floor. After we finish, he comes with me do put the cup and the rest of the paint away. 

"By the way, my name is Henry Hart." He says when I turn to him. 

"I'm Y/N L/N, and again, sorry for the paint and your injury." I point at his forehead and he laughs. 

"And I said that I was okay. So don't worry." 

I look up at the clock and mumble 'shit' under my breath. 

"I'm late to work that is after school, I'll see you around?" I say taking off my apron and grabbing my backpack. 

"Um, yeah. See you around." He watched we run out of the room.

When I finally arrive to work, I couldn't help but think about the encounter with Henry. How have I never met him? Maybe because I keep myself locked into the art room 24/7. I also couldn't help but think about how cute he was. 

"Quit daydreaming, and wait some tables!" My manager yells, making me snap out of it. I sigh, grabbing my notepad, and heading to the tables.

After work, I begin to walk home. The sun was already down, but luckily the restaurant wasn't too far away from my house. I look down at the road, when I hear footsteps approaching me. I grab my pepper spray, ready for anything. 

But when I see who it was, I take my hand away from the spray and sigh.

"Sorry, if I scared you." Kid Danger said. 

"What are you even doing out here?" I say walking past him, "Shouldn't you be saving Swellview?"

"Just checking in on the good citizens of Swellview." He said following me. I roll my eyes, turning around to face him. 

"Well, I'm actually doing okay, so." I tell him.

"Okay, okay, cool. Cool." He nods looking down. I look at him, and notice a bruise on his forehead. 

"How'd you get that?" I ask him, pointing at the mark. He looks up at me, his eyes widening. 

"Oh, I got a bad know." He stumbled with his words. "Superhero stuff."

I nod, realizing how nervous he got. I then looked at his hands, and instantly saw the yellow paint stained on his hands. 

"Well, I should go home. It's late." I say beginning to walk away. 

"I'll see you around?" He asks, just like he said earlier today. 

"Yeah, I'll see you around." I smile, walking to away from him. 


I walk into school the next day looking for Henry. 

Or, Kid Danger for that matter. 

"Hey, Y/N!" I hear behind me, and I smile when I see Henry walking towards me. 

"Hey Henry, what's up?" I say, watching him fidget with his backpack strap.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? Maybe tonight or something?" He asks nervously, looking down at me. 

"Aren't you busy tonight?" I ask him crossing my arms across my chest. He looks at me confused and I giggle. 

"The bruise and paint gave it away, Henry. Don't think I didn't notice from our little conversation last night." I whisper and his eyes widen. 

"Y/N, I don't...I don't know what you're talking about. That wasn't me..."

"It's okay Henry, I'm not going to tell anyone. I promise." I say and he calms down slightly. 

"And yes, I would love to hang out, just text me." I wink. I walk away, leaving him standing there in the crowded hallway. 

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now