seventeen - henry hart

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This imagine is basically from Henry Danger: The Musical. But this imagine is Henry and Y/N getting their own song. The song I am using is Seventeen from Heathers: The Musical. Enjoy!

"This whole musical curse is really annoying me." Henry said as we walk into his house. "And this job is just so exhausting."

After the whole park scene, him and Ray concluded to wait until tomorrow to see if the curse would be lifted.

"I'm sure it'll be over soon. My throat has been hurting from singing all day." I sigh, sitting next to him on the couch.

"It's just, when does Henry Hart end, and Kid Danger begin? I mean, I've been doing this since I was thirteen, and I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this." He says looking at the wall. I put my hand on his arm.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my job. And I love working beside Ray, but I can't be a sidekick my whole life, Y/N." He says.

"I get it, Henry. You were thirteen when you took the job, and now we're seventeen about to graduate high school." I comfort him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I just wonder what my life would be like if we're just normal teenagers. I mean, Y/N, we never do anything together because I'm always being Kid Danger." He sighs.

"And I understand how important it is to you. You know that."

"But that's the thing. Lately, I don't know if it's actually that important to me. Or if it's as important as you."

I look at him and smile a little. Then, music began to play around us.

"Fine, we're damaged, really damaged. But that does not make us wise." I begin to sing, and Henry looks at me.

"We're not special, we're not different. We don't choose who lives or dies." I pull him off the couch, holding onto his hand.

"Y/N..." he begins to say.

"Let's be normal, see bad movies," I sing putting my arms around his neck, "sneak a beer and watch TV."

"We'll bake brownies, or go bowling. Don't you want a life with me?" I smile, but he begins to pull away.

"Of course I do, Y/N. But..." he says.

"Can't we be seventeen? That's all I want to do." I stand in front of him, and grabbing his hand and pulling him into the kitchen.

"If you could let me in, I could be good with you." I sing, hopping onto the kitchen counter and pulling him into my legs.

"People hurt us..."

"Or they vanish..." he sings looking down at the ground.

"And you're right, that really blows. But we let go..." I lift his chin up to look at me.

"Take a deep breath." He instantly breathes in and looks at me.

"And go buy some summer clothes. We'll go camping..."

"Play some poker." He smiles helping me down from the counter.

I walk around the island smiling. "And we'll eat some chili fries. Maybe prom night."

"Maybe dancing." Henry twirls me in a circle, making me laugh.

"Don't stop looking in my eyes." I sing grabbing both of his hands.

"Your eyes." He sings back staring at me.

"Can't we be seventeen? Is that so hard to do?" We sing together, walking back into the living room.

"If you could let me in, I could be good with you." I stand on the couch.

"Let us be seventeen, if we still got the right." Henry sings with me, standing next to me.

"So what's it gonna be?" I ask, "I wanna be with you."

"I wanna be with you." Henry answers back.

"Tonight." We sing together, jumping off the couch.

We both take a deep breath, looking at each other.

"Yeah we're damaged."

"Badly damaged." Henry continues, grabbing my waist.

"But your love's too good too lose." We sing.

"Hold me tighter..." I sing looking into his eyes.

"Even closer."

"I'll stay if I'm what you choose." I hug him.

"Can we be seventeen?" Henry sings into my shoulder.

"If I am what you choose."

"If we've still got the right."

"Cause you're the one I choose." I release from his hug, looking up at him again.

"You're the one I choose." He sings, making me smile even wider.

"You're the one I choose." We sing together, ending the song. He smiles down at me, leaning to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck, getting closer to deepen the kiss.

"Did you two just have a small duet?" I hear behind me. Henry and I pull away, and look behind us.

It was Charlotte and Jasper at the door, both of them smiling.

"Whattt, no." I say walking towards the couch and sitting down.

"You two definitely just did. We heard the music from outside." Jasper said walking to the kitchen.

"Oh my god." I smile while Henry came over to me and put his arm around my waist. His head laid on my chest, and I could tell that he was smiling as well.

"Wish I heard that." Charlotte smiled, sitting on the other side of the couch.

"Whatever, you guys." I say running my hand through his hair and turning on the TV. "At least we got some singing out of the way until we have to sing again."

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