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Chapter Twenty-One

It didn't take very long for him to see her again. In fact, it was only a day later when he heard the crunching of fresh snow underfoot while lounging in the shade of that same tree he'd punched the night before. Cracking an eye open he saw her approaching. She was wearing a thick winter coat and snow shoes and her hair had snowflakes stuck to it.

"Back so soon?"

She looked around for a moment before her eyes focused on him, "please don't tell me you've been waiting here for me all morning."

"I just got here, actually" he lied.

"Hm," she chose to believe him, going to sit next to him but not too close. She noticed that he was warm, so warm in fact that even though she was about six feet away she could still feel the warmth emanating from him and a smile crept over her face.

They sat there in silence as the seconds ticked by, watching the snowflakes dance down from the heavens until they came to rest.

"What is your name?"

She glanced in his direction when he asked the question, caught off guard by the sudden sound of his voice.

"It's.. Camilla."

"Hm, what an interesting name..."

A tinge of pink rose in her cheeks as she wondered what he meant by that.

Did he like her name or not?

"And what's yours?" She asked in return.

"I don't have one."

She raised a brow at him in disbelief, "fine, don't tell me."

"You think I am being dishonest."

It was a statement, rather than a question. He knew he had to think fast. If he were a human then he would most certainly have a name. But what name? He couldn't think of one.

"You could guess what it is," he said as a weak attempt to regain her trust, "it's quite easy."

In truth this was just a ploy to get her to pick out a human name for him. There was no way she wouldn't run screaming for the hills if he told her his true "name".

As a Slender being, their names were chosen due to their habits, personalities or appearance rather than at birth like humans. And he certainly was named for something she, without a doubt, would not approve of.

She narrowed her eyes at him but decided to take up the challenge, "how many guesses do I get?"

"An infinite amount," a smirk flitted across his features.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "does that mean I'll have to keep guessing until I get the right one?"


"Ugh," she groaned in frustration, "well you have to give me a hint. A really good one!"

"Hm," he pretended to think for a moment, "it begins with an S."

"That's all you're gonna give me?" She whined, poking his arm lightly, "come on~"

He smiled deviously, his violet eyes fixating hers, "what's your first guess?"

She scrunched her face up in concentration as she studied his features. He looked quite unique, almost as if he had just stepped out of a manga, or maybe some alien spaceship.


He raised a brow, "why Sebastian?"

"Well you remind me of a certain demonic butler-"

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