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Double update 😋

Chapter Thirteen

CJ sighed before coming over and quickly ripping the duct tape off my mouth. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't show it. After he saw that I wouldn't make a sound he sat in the chair once more.

"Why are you here?"


"Did you come to kill me?" He cut me off, sounding pained.

"No," I responded quickly, "no of course not!"

"Then why?"


I had to make it believable. I tried to conjure up some tears to lay it on thick, "the people who took me they... they made me do all those things."

"Yeah right. They made you kill those people."

"It's true– and Tam too! Caleb, you have to believe me."

At the sound of me using his actual name instead of his nickname I saw his eyes search mine and his expression softened just a bit, "You never call me that."

As if on cue a sob escaped my lips and a tear finally streamed down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry. I had no choice. I couldn't even leave! I just narrowly managed to get away and find my way back to you. All this time all I could think of was y-you!"

I cut myself off with a choked sob that shook my body as I squeezed my eyes shut. After a minute I felt the bed dip and my eyes opened to see him sitting down next to me. He tentatively reached a hand out to rest it on my head.

The touch oddly enough didn't feel as familiar as I expected it to. I noticed that he'd abandoned the knife though, so that gave me some hope.


There it was, the old nickname he'd given me back in elementary. It managed to bring back some really fond memories and I squirmed over to him, resting my head against his side.

"It's been ages since you've called me that..."

"I know. You used to hate it."

"I only pretended to. In fact I was glad I was important enough for you to even give me a nickname," I forced a sniffle against his shirt.

After a few beats of silence CJ grabbed my arms, it hurt but I didn't wince or budge as he slowly started to unwrap the tape.

"I'm so sorry I did this to you. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any ill intentions," He paused for a moment, "You know about my son, right?"

I almost said I'd met him but stopped myself just in time, "I saw the pictures on the walls."

"Yeah. Abby, she ran off right after Dean was born, can you believe it?"

"That's really unfortunate..." I trailed off, urging him silently to unwrap the tape faster.

He seemed to be deep in thought, slowly unwrapping before he snapped back to reality.

"Mila... I want you to tell me what really happened."

I noticed that he'd stopped tugging at the duct tape and decided I needed to come up with a bulshit story real fast before he decided to leave me to the police. They probably would be here in the next few minutes.

"W-well it's a long story." I bit my lip in thought.

"Tell me. I need to know that I'm not making a mistake when I take this tape off."

He sounded so sincere that I knew I had to come up with the best lie that I could while still sticking somewhat to the truth. CJ knew me well and he could usually tell if I was being untrue.

I took a deep breath and as I watched him I knew for certain that I didn't want him dead. He was truly a good person and that was just something I didn't deserve. Truth be told, I'm sure he's something I didn't want either. Even living with Offenderman, as exciting as it was at first, got old real fast.

Maybe I was just not meant to be with anyone at all.

I let out a sigh, squirming a bit to get a little more comfortable.

"That night when we went searching for Tam I got taken by them. It was like this whole um, group of them. They said they would leave everyone alone if I did what they asked. I dont know how but they made everyone forget, except you I guess. They tortured me for months and were trying to turn me into one of them. I tried to escape and... that's when they killed mom and dad and took Tam again..." As I trailed off I felt the warmth of his hand on my leg, as if to comfort me.

"They knew how much I care about Tam so they used her to get me to agree to whatever they wanted and afterwards they did something to us. I don't know what to call it, hypnosis or a trance or whatever but I couldn't control myself. They made me do it. They made me k-k-" I let out a sob and felt him give me a little squeeze.

"I... I kept planning my escape for so long. Eventually I gained a friend on the inside and they helped me to escape. I just wanted to get back to you," I hiccuped, tears streaming down my cheeks and before he could respond I heard the far off sound of approaching sirens. I felt my heart lurch in my chest and immediately my eyes is snapped to his face giving him a pleading look.

"Please don't let them take me!"

"What if they can help?" He asked looking deep into my eyes.

"No, no! They won't understand! Please CJ!" This time the emotion in my voice was real.

After seeming to debate with himself for a few seconds CJ got into action, leaning over me on the bed as he pulled at the tape to free me.

Just has he pulled the tape off my hands I saw a flash of light and Rose's lanky frame appeared at the doorway. She must have sensed that I was in trouble and came to help.

In the second that it took her to take and what was happening I saw her eyes turn pitch black before she transformed into her Slender form, her tendrills shooting out of her back instantly, the sharp spines of the first two lashing out and wrapping around CJ's waist as he let out a cry of surprise.

"Rose, no!"

I was too late however as she had already thrown him against the wall and I saw blood soak into his grey shirt.

Her tendrils poised to attack again but I called out to her once more, my voice shaking.

It was rare for me to see Rose like this because she was usually very well-behaved unless she was hunting with her father. She must have seen CJ looming over me and sensing my elevated heart rate she thought he was attacking me.

"Look Rose, I'm okay. Mommy's okay." I called in a soothing voice, quickly taking the tape off my legs and climbing off the bed.

The spines of her tendrils disappeared before they retreated into her back and she returned to her human form, crashing into my arms and hugging me tightly.

She was shaking, "I'm sorry Mommy! I thought you were in danger."

I patted her head gently and hugged her close, "it's okay. Mommy's glad you came."

I heard CJ groan as he tried to get to his feet, looking at me and Rose like we were aliens, "y-you... what the fuck?"

I heard the screech of a police car coming to a halt outside and I looked down at Rose.

"Are you sure you don't want me to put him to sleep Mommy?"

I could see CJ's shock as he looked from me to Rose and then I heard a knock at the door.


"No sweetie that's okay." I quickly said to Rose, giving CJ a last glance, "Let's get out of here before those bad men get us."

She nodded and I watched CJ's expression turn to one of even more confusion as we disappeared into thin air.

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