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I used to see in shades of gray but then colour came through the second I saw you~

When I'm Loving You by Yianna

Chapter Sixteen

Confronting Offenderman could wait right?

I was so nervous I was practically sweating and I decided a shower beforehand would probably do me some good, so I took one.

After an hour under the scalding water my skin was red, and I felt even less sure of myself than when I just stepped into the house, if that made sense.

Getting out of the shower, I pulled a towel around my body, sighing at the comforting softness.

I entered the bedroom with the towel around my waist and fluffy pink bed slippers on my feet to keep away the cold as I went through the closet looking for something to wear.

My heart thundered in my chest erratically, as if counting off the miliseconds until I would have to face him.

I fished out a large grey sweater that came to a stop halfway down my thighs and some matching grey shorts that stopped a bit higher up, putting them on after my black panties. The sleeves of the sweater were longer than my arms and I was glad for that since my fingers were cold for some reason.

I found that my legs are shaking slightly so I sat on the bed pulling my legs up to my chest and hugging them as I thought of what I could say to him. I wasn't sure how much time had passed while I sat there thinking but after a while my body seemed to move all on its own and I exited the room, shuffling out with the fluffy slippers still on my feet.

The house seemed too large, too empty and way too cold as I passed each bedroom, the thick silence causing my ears to ring. My feet stopped when I came to the entrance of Rose's bedroom. The door was open and I could see his tall, slender silhouette looming over her bed as he pulled the covers up to her chin and tucked her in.

I forced myself to move, stepping back from the door and retreating once again to the bedroom, locking the door behind me as my chest rose and fell with the harsh cold breaths I took.

I can't do it. I can't face him.

I knew locking the door wouldn't keep him out but it still offered some form of comfort.

I sat on the bed once more, toying with the loose threads at the hem of my sweater with shaky fingers, my hair falling over my face.

I felt his warmth first before I even noticed he had entered the room. It seemed to spread out from him and wrap around my body, seeping into my very pores as the smell of fresh roses lingered in the air.

I kept my head lowered, pretending my sweater was the most interesting thing I'd ever seen, but I could still see him from my peripheral. He was standing still by the door, completely unmoving and I could feel his gaze burning holes into me.

The minutes ticked off as my fingers tugged at the loose threads while he watched me in silence.

The room was so quiet that the only sound I could hear was my own heart racing, so when he spoke I jumped slightly.

"Where were you?"

Had it really been that long since I'd heard is voice? It was as smooth as molten chocolate and as deep as the ocean. It made butterflies riot inside me and I could hardly process his words as I lifted my head to look at him, seeing that he was in his human form, his white hair framing his face and his hands tucked into the front pockets of his pants.

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