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Chapter Twenty Four

The next morning I woke up in an incredible mood. Everything was as it should be. I was with my family and all was right with the world.

As I poured Rose more milk for her cereal, my sigh of content was interrupted by a shiver that ran down my spine. Before I could voice my concern however, a dark figure appeared in the middle of the kitchen, his usually spiked hair was now slicked back and he was wearing a dark suit with a red tie and that ever present cheshire grin on his face. He had an arm behind his back and the other at his side as he bowed.

"Good Mor-" before he could end the sentence he was being lifted into the air by the multiple tendrils that shot out of Offenderman's back, holding him by his neck as he kicked his legs and grasped at the appendages that held him captive.

Both Rose and I watched in silence as we chewed when Zalgo, finally tired of being choked, phased through the tendrils and landed on the ground feet first, rather flawlessly might I add, fixing his hair and straightening his suit as the tendrils retracted into Offenderman's back.

"My my, what a welcoming family. Is that any way to treat your guest?"

I rolled my eyes as Offender gritted out,"you're not welcome here."

"Oh hush," Zalgo's eyes sparkled, "You can't be that upset with me over what I did. In fact, I think you should thank me. Your relationship is all the more stronger now that there aren't any skeletons in the closet," he paused for a moment, "or are there?"

I rolled my eyes again for good measure, "what do you want, Zalgo?"

"Well truth be told I think I overstayed my welcome at The Slender Mansion," he frowned comically as he rubbed the back of his head, "I was banished, again, and something tells me this time it won't be so easy for me to get back in."

"Sounds like a you problem," Offender spoke getting to his feet.

"So I've decided I'm staying here for a while."

"You what?"

"Well I have nowhere to go do I?"

"How about your own place where you've been all this time?"

"Don't be silly! If I did that I'd never get to spend any time at all with my loving family," His grin widened so much it made his face look slightly distorted.

Offender only tsked and as I watched the exchange I couldn't help but smile.

They were otherworldly beings but they seemed so human in this moment, or just as dysfunctional as any human family.

"Besides if I didn't come how would you all know that Micah was out of control and about to become possibly the youngest and most notorious child serial killer in the world?"

There was a heavy silence as the information sank in before Zalgo was once again being choked out by Offender's tendrils. This time as he got loose he landed a bit more awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

"Ack-! Curses, what a violent bunch!"

"What did you do to Micah?" I asked sharply.

"Me? What makes you think I did something?" he asked, sounding offended as he frowned in an exaggerated fashion once more.

"Because you always do," Offender quipped.

"Oh come on now have a little faith..." Zalgo cooed, all the while his smirk had already returned, "All I did was help him get over his shyness. Young children should run around having as much fun as they can! They're like tiny little balls of chaotic energy."

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