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Chapter Twenty-three

Over the course of eight months it was safe to say that the relationship between the creature known as Offenderman and the young girl he fell for, really blossomed into something special. To him at least.

They spent many days together, enjoying each other's company and sharing stories about their lives. Though she had been placed under a spell by him that made her forget him when he was out of proximity, their bond was truly growing. Each day Offender would offer to take her away from the world. To show her true happiness and freedom, but she would refuse every time.

There was too much she would miss, she'd say, those things being her family, friends and lover.

If it wasn't for the fact that he loved her, and harming the boy would cause her to despise him, he would have already done what was necessary to make sure she was his alone.

Though she didn't know it, he watched over her every waking moment, and even as she slept he was there in the shadows. Surely it couldn't be healthy to want someone as much as he did in those moments. She looked even more innocent and vulnerable when she was at rest than when she would visit him, her mind so clouded that she would often spill her thoughts to him for hours on end.

He didn't mind it though.

After getting to know her over the course of those months he could tell she wasn't fulfilled, not by anything the world could offer her, and certainly not by her boyfriend.

He could take her, he thought, but he wanted to give her the chance to come to him willingly. He'd thought she would after her high school graduation but instead she went on to join her boyfriend in college and even more months passed. 

He was getting rather impatient. It was well known that most humans lived short, uninteresting lives and every day that went by meant less time that he could dedicate to fulfilling her deepest fantasies.

Each day that passed proved to him how much she needed an escape. She was mentally exhausted but every time he offered an alternative she refused.  How long could he keep waiting for her to make the choice?

It had been a year already, fresh snow  littered the ground and she was nuzzled up against him

"My offer still stands," he reminded her in a soft tone.

"I imagine it always will," she replied, out of sheer habit. 

"Not always," his grin was toothy and shark-like and she curled up against him listening to his purring as he wrapped himself around her like a cocoon.

She felt like she was suspended in space and time where nothing else existed but them. Drifting aimlessly while surrounded by the smell of dew wet roses.

"I'm going to marry him," he heard her speak after a prolonged silence.

The growl that rumbled low in his throat was automatic and she felt the vibrations as he tightened his arms around her.

When she lifted her head to look at him, he was unreadable, but the darkness that sorrounded them now was proof that he wasn't in the best of moods. His rage threatened to suffocate her, and as she pushed lightly against his chest he growled out a response.

"I won't let you."

He'd been playing nice for so long, trying to gain her trust as well as her affection, but it appears she was far too attached to the human world. She could never grow to love a monster like him and he decided that was quite alright with him. He didn't need to prove anything to anyone. His methods had been working fine for years so why change them now? One way or the other she would be his.

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