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Chapter Eleven

There he was. Just as tall as I remember, though obviously not as tall as Offenderman who usually kept even his human form at least 6.5 to 7 feet.

His hair was darker now, longer too and swept back from his face. He had abandoned his lip piercing but his tattoos were the same, no new ones as far as I could tell. I kept my distance, watching when he picked up his son and followed them all the way to Knox, where they lived in a two storey house.

Knox was bigger than the town we lived in but it was still quiet with nice little two storey houses all packed together with their little hedges to separate them.

I stayed hidden, watching them from afar as they got settled. I didn't see anyone else around. Was he a single father? I hoped so.

Was that selfish of me?

The way I see it, if there was a woman involved it wouldn't be good news. I'd have to get rid of her and-

I shook my head as I caught myself mid- thought.  I can't do that! That's exactly the reason why I left everyone behind, so I could get a sense of normalcy back in my life, and killing people isn't normal.

It was already 6 p.m. and I was getting impatient. Besides would there ever be a right time to see him? He was going to be shocked I know that much, hopefully he would be happy too.

I waited for over an hour before he put his son to bed and went back to the living room, lounging on the couch while watching some TV show.

I made my way to the front door and rang the doorbell.

My heart started thundering in my chest as I heard him at approaching and I took a step back, ready to bolt but before I could make a run for it the door opened and I was face-to-face with him.

A few seconds ticked off and I saw the color drain from his face as realization dawned on him.


I smile nervously, shrugging my shoulders a bit, "hi?"

A look of what appeared to be horror flashed across his face before he smiled too, if a bit forced, " uh w-what brings you here?"

His voice sounded like music to my ears, I'd almost forgotten about his slight accent due to his Cuban parents.

I tried not to read too much into his body language but I did tense up a little.

"I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by and say hi... it's been a while."

I'd never been good at lying and I knew that he knew what I'd said wasn't the truth but he didn't say anything about it. Instead I saw him glance up and down the street but there was no one else outside. All the other little houses were quiet and as his eyes met mine again he lifted a hand and scratched the back of his head seeming to be speechless.

"Well aren't you going to invite me inside?" I tapped my foot lightly, looking up at him.

"You need an invitation now?" He chuckled a bit, "Are you sure you didn't somehow turn into a vampire in the last 6 years?"

Vampire? Nah. I'd turned into something way worse. Vampires hunted and killed out of necessity, I just killed out of boredom and downright bloodlust. I didn't need to, I just did it for the fun of it. At least I used to but now, I was turning over a new leaf.

"Invite me in and you'll find out," I joked, loving the way the mood had lightened.

For a moment it seems like he wanted to say no but he just stepped back a bit from the door and I walked in looking around at his quaint little residence.

It took a few beats before he closed the door and I took a seat on his living room couch. A minute passed in silence as he paced back and forth before me. He seemed like he had a lot on his mind but just couldn't put it all into words.

The room glowed a dull orange as the last lights of the sun disappeared and I rested my hands in my lap.

Finally he spoke up, "I... I looked for you, for months."

That made me smile, "it's okay, where I was there's no way you would have found me, so I understand."

"And where's that?"

"Here and there, it's not important."

There's no way I could tell him that I was living with a sadistic monster who I unknowingly traded my soul with for incredibly mind numbing sex. A silver of electricity coursed it's way through my insides and I instantly squeezed my legs together.

What the hell? I thought I was over that monster! How is he invading my thoughts, especially here... especially now?

"Are you okay?" CJ's voice pulled me back to reality.

"Y-yeah it's nothing..."

He nodded a bit and as I surveyed him I noticed that, this wasn't the same CJ I knew years ago.

The CJ I knew wouldn't have wasted any time pacing around like a lost puppy, instead he would have pulled me into his arms and kissed me so deeply and tenderly that my lungs would be screaming for air by the end of it.

It was then that I started to wonder if I made a huge mistake by coming here.

What did I expect? A welcome home party?

When I'd just learned of CJ's existence, all the old emotions had overridden my senses but now that I was here face-to-face with him I knew that I felt nothing. None of the old love that was there before was left. I knew every detail of his life yet he's seemed like a stranger to me now.

"I'm sorry..." I heard his voice break through my inner monologue.

"Huh?" Why would he apologise now?

"I'm sorry about what happened to your family."


"It's alright I suppose," I spoke up, "It was a long time ago."

"I heard they never found your sister..."

"Oh Tam? She's fine, she was with me, for the most part."

"Hmm... I'm still curious about something though," he said.

"Yeah, what?" I asked.

"After you disappeared and Tamara came back, her and your parents were acting really strangely. They were pretending that they didn't know who you were. Even when I showed them pictures they said that they had no idea who you were. What was that all about?"

I'd never expect something like this to come up and I was stumped for an answer at first before I smiled and said, "well it's kind of a really sensitive topic."

"Oh," he started pacing again and I saw him pat his back pocket, probably checking for his phone, "I'm sorry, can you give me a minute? I need to check on someone."

"Yeah sure go ahead"

He flashed me a sympathetic smile and I smiled back knowing how confused he must be. Who did he have to check on? Dean's mother? Maybe she would be coming home soon. Or did he mean Dean himself?

He headed towards the back of the house, possibly to a bedroom and I sighed and tried to relax a bit while I looked around the room. The first thing I noticed was that CJ and Dean were the only ones in the pictures on the mantel, save for a single picture of a tall, heavily pregnant and smiling girl standing next to some park swings.

I walked over and picked the picture up, running a thumb over the glass. I heard a sound like CJ had returned and as I turned to ask him if the woman in the picture was Dean's mother I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

The picture frame fell from my hands and I heard it shatter, the last thing I saw as I fell to the ground was a stone cold look on CJ's face.

I really got myself into trouble this time.

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