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"Hi everyone, now I have no clue how well you can see so this might just end up being a podcast ... the wonderful news is that the power is out" she explained her bedroom just about able to see as the only light is candles and a couple little glowing lamps that are clearly battery powered "There is a big storm over London right now, and it has knocked out the power. I'm filming because my camera has full charge and obviously nothing else works because I don't have power" she explained "That and my switch. But... someone else is using that" she smiled showing Thomas laid on the bed playing Pokémon on the switch in handheld mode with hopscotch asleep in his arm "Hi Thomas..."

"Hi, "

"You playing Pokémon?"

"Playing Pokémon. Trying to catch a cubchoo" 

"Awww My favourite Pokémon" 

"You love him so much"

"I do, he's an adorable boy, he got a runny nose" she smiled "Your not going to evolve him into the big ice bear thing are you?"

"I might I don't know"

"Nooo thomas keep him cute"

"You keep him cute in your game," He laughs petting hopscotches head 

 "Thomas is here because he got scared" 

"I wasn't scared"

"he got scared of the dark in his house"

"No I got bored. with no power I got bored and lonely so I came over"

"to play Pokémon"

"To play Pokémon. and sit with you"

"Because you got scared" 

"Alright... I was a little scared in my house, In the dark with the storm so I came over. to sit with you, and the bunnies... and play Pokémon" he explained "And I wanted to make sure you and the bunnies where okay" 

"Translation, Thomas was scared and wanted to hug my rabbits so he came over"

"and you said you had wine" he adds "which I'm still waiting for by the way"

"You wanna go downstairs in the dark and get it?"


"Then you don't get wine"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now