Personal Hell

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"Ladies, gentleman and those whom have decided that gender is a construct. Today on this wonderful channel we shall be taking Mister Thomas brodie Sangster to his own personal hell" y/n smiled as she stood in a office style room with a man at a computer "this... is a lie detector test"

"Why did I agree to this?' Thomas asks off camera

"You lost the bet so... here we are" she smiled

Thomas then was sat with the man at the table getting all the various things out on him "I hate this. So much."

"I know, are you sitting comfortably?"


"Good... then we shall begin" she smiled "do you think, that you are more attractive then me?"

"God no."

"That's true"

"Ummmm good boy" she nods petting his hair "Do you think, you shall be engaged before your thirty five"

".... Maybe. I don't know" 

"Thats a lie"

"Nooo! I didn't lie"

"Still going, massive lie"

"Shall we move on" she laughs "Do you like when people stop you?"

"Well.. most of the time yes. when I'm like at the doctor or, On the way to the bathroom" he complained 

"That's true"
"Do you wish that people stopped talking about love actually"

"Uhhhhh... no. I'm still happy with it. Yes after this time it gets a little tiring when every interview, every time you do anything it gets annoying but I don't which people stopped talking about it" 

"Thats a lie"

"Nooooo! that's not a lie I swear!"

"Ohhh isn't it thomas" she giggled 

"I didn't lie, I didn't"

"this is fun"

"I hate this... I hate this so much, I better be getting pizza after this"

"we're getting fried chicken on the way home"

"Oooohhh I'm more okay with this then I was"

"next question

"Oh no"

"Have you ever... thought about getting your own bunnies?"

"I did, but I love hopscotch and jellybean too much to get my own, that's not fair I love them too much"

"Thats true"

"Awwwww," she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a hug "They love you too"

"I know they do," he smiled "I couldn't get my own it's not fair on them. Besides there having there little babies and that'll be a nice few more buns to love"

"Yeah" she smiled giving his cheek a kiss 

"Next question"

"Ohh no"

"Have you ever masturbated to me?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed "Yes"

"That's true"

"I knew it" she smiled "Follow up, have you masturbated to me... in the last ten years"

"Ohh come on this isn't fair"

"So no teenage naughty bedroom jerk" she laughs "in the last ten years have you jerked off to me"

"....... yes" He sighed 

"That's true" 

"I Knew it" she giggled "Even more follow up question"

"Come on!"

"Have you jerked off to me, since we have been neighbours"


"That's a lie" 

"You dirty bastard" 

"I haven't I swear"

"That's an exceptionally large lie" 

"Have you jerked off to me in the last month?"

"....... no" He blushed

"That is a lie"

"A Lie! you little bastard"

"It's not a lie"

"that is a huge lie"


"I don't know where you find the time" she laughs 

"Where do you find the time?" he laughs

"Have you kissed someone of the same sex?"


"That's true"


".... I refuse to answer this question"

"You're not fun"

"I am allowed some secrets"

"no your not" 

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