Spa p2

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"now! Step one of spa!" She giggled
"Wasn't step one us walking to go get ice?" Thomas asks leaning in her kitchen island
"Quiet you"
"The ice that half melted in the way home because y/n saw a cute dog"
"Shhh the mussh you, this mushh shhh it" she told him
"What the hell is a mussh?"
"This mussh" she says pointing at his face
"My mouth?"
"Yes, you are... Really decreasing my spa vibes right now"
"Yeah well, your decreasing my boner right now. Don't see me whining about it"
"This. This is the bullshit I deal with" she sighed into the camera
"You love me" he smirked giving her a cuddle and a kiss "what is the next step of spa day?"
"Bath time"
"Ooooohh bath time"
"Soapy bubbly bath time"
"Oooh! Boobs!"
"No, outdoor bathtime"
"Hu... So no boobs?"
"No boobs"
"Awww. I am disappointed in spa day"

"Welcome to the hot bubble bath" y/n smiled as she sat in her hot tub however it looked considerably different, her hot tub now sat inside a shed with fairy lights and a towel rail,
"Is this a bath?" Thomas asks beside her
"It's hot water so. I'm counting it as a bath" she says "I threw a bath bomb in it"
"I know because it smells like a fucking lush in here"
"Be happy I didn't put the intergalactic In here"
"I know, that thing makes me glittery for days. And I don't even bathe in it you do, it's just from sharing the tub and my contact with you"
"You love it"
"I still don't class this as a bath"
"Why not?" She asks "like an onsen?"
"But we have clothes on?"
"You are so egar to get naked on camera today Thomas"
"No I'm egar for you to get naked infront of me" he says "we have a tiny shed for the hot tub now... Come on were all alone" he smirked kissing her neck
"The camera is on"
"Turn it off then if your so shy" He smirked "come on I didn't go get this massive shed and put it all together for us to sit in the hot tub with our clothes on" he smirked
"That is not part of spa day"
"Isn't it? It'll relax me"
"Later" she told him nuzzling up to him
"What's the next spa day step?'
"Ahh, that's why I wanted to know... So I could plan jokes"
"Ooohh.. may I make wet jokes?"
"Maybe if there good"
"My jokes are always good. I don't know why sally cuts me out so much I'm hilarious!"
"Your ruining my vibe Thomas. Just....shhhh and relax"
"I'd be relaxed if I got a blow job"
"I know. But I can't hold my breath that long"
"What for ten seconds?"
"Your not that fast"
"You don't know how horny I am"
"I should probably turn the camera off"
"Ehh. Sally edit."

"Step two! Three!... Next!" Y/n smiled standing in the clean living room in a fluffy blue bathrobe and thomas beside her with in clearly PJs "steamy time"
"Bow chicka-" Thomas began
"Wrong time of steamy time Thomas"
"Oh. I am getting more and more disappointed in spa day" he sighed
"I know" she giggled "this is a face steamer. It steams the face" she says holding a small machine
"It looks like one of those time release air fresheners"
".... A little bit yeah the ones that make you shit yourself when they randomly like sneeze out some smell"
"The very same"
"Okay let's go do you wanna go first or me?"
"You can go first because I imagine your going to take to it and it last longer because... You actually do this. I haven't done this in like...... Uhhhh.... A year maybe more."
"Okay me first" she smiled

"Steam my face tiny robot" she smiled sitting and letting the machine steam her face
".... Looking pretty wet there y/n"
"Shut up Thomas"
"Almost dripping"
"Shut up Thomas..."
"Ohhh sweetie darling I've never seen you get so wet for me"
"Shut up Thomas"
"You know if you really want something sprayed at your face I can do it for free?"
"Shut up Thomas!" She yelled "why did I give you the camera?"
"Because I'm fun."
"Why do I live with you?"
"Because you love me"
"Come on your turn"
"Fine, I get to be wet do I?" He laughs changing places with her not even turning the machine off "oohh... That's oddly pleasant."
"Like you"
"Rude. Your are decreasing my spa vibes y/n"
"Yeah well I'm allowed" she smiled
"I imagine real spas not just us doing shit in our living room is really nice. But also very warm. Hot tub. Hot steam. Hot... Rocks that's a spa thing isn't it?"
"Yes Thomas."
"I am insanely warm"
"You have... Three more minutes"
"Okay, I shall rub my face though,"
"Rub in this sweat"
"Ewww gross" he complained "what's next?"
"Ooohh. I can give you a facial sweetie darling"
"God damn it Thomas! No! No! They started off funny but that was just gross!"

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