Whatcha doing?

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Y/n giggled as she walked into the room where Thomas stood on a ladder painting a wall, as she had some coffee in her hand 

"Hi Thomas" she smiled 

"Hi y/n" he smiled at her turning to see her 

"Whatcha doing?" she giggled 

"Painting the wall, Like I was told to"

"good" she smiled "Free labour"

"I ain't getting paid?"

"nope your not" she smiled "I bought you coffee"

"But... But I'm painting the whole inside of this house," 

"Yeah for free, because your lovely and kind to me" she smiled "And because you're stuck in your house so you wanted to come visit"

"Yeah visit, have a slice of cake and a cup of tea not be used for free labour"

"well... your getting used"

"I don't even get cake"

"do you want me to bake you a cake?"

".... Yes please y/n"

"Fine" she sighed "Chocolate cake with fudge?"

"woooo! Chocolate fudge cakes! can you put buttercream on it"

"You'll get what your given and you'll like it" she smiled "but first" she giggled putting her hand in the paint and then groping thomas' butt leaving her hand print in blue pain on his black jeans 

"You little shit." 

"There greatly improved" I giggled 

"You wanna play this game bitch?" He asks dipping his own hand in the pain so she did so too the two stood threating each other "You know I don't wanna ruin your dress y/n"
"Yeah well I do not have such fear with you" she smirked the two quickly attacking each other and she got her hand on the other side of his butt "Ha! now your match"

"Come here you evil thing!" He complained grabbing her by the boob leaving a hand print on her boob 

"Lets both agree, we both got out of hand here"
"Agreed. can I have cake now?"

"Yes you may." 

"Thank you sugar"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now