Hello Tall boy

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Y/n giggled as she filmed Thomas standing on a ladder painting the wall slightly moving back and forth

"Hello tall boy"

"Hello fat lady"


"sorry. I'm sorry darling I didn't mean it"

"you're a big meanie"

"I only meant you are currently large. due to you know twin girls nuzzled in your belly"

"and you're only tall cause you're on a ladder"

"see we both hide our truth"

"whatcha doing?"

"I'm painting the nursery for our beautiful babies"

"painting the nursery, for the babies"

"painting for the baby child that are due soon"

"I'm sure they shall appreciate it" 

"I hope so. No I'll do all this they'll turn around to me and go Ohh but daddy we like yellow."

"We hate red daddy"

"yeah that's my fear. well I'm sorry babies mummy said we had to paint it red"

"I said red or purple. you picked red"

"Should you be in here? given I'm painting? pregnant lady likely shouldn't have paint fumes" 

"Yeah but this is where my rocking chair is"

"I'll move your rocking chair if you want"

"No it's okay, I wanna be with you, the girls wanna be here to kick and watch there daddy"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now