Too Close For Comfort P2

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"Good Morning world" Y/n giggled as the camera turned on revealing her in bed still handcuffed to Thomas 

"The world can fuck off" he complained rubbing his eyes 

"Day two... and that's how this is starting off" she says "do you hate me yet?"

"A little bit yeah." He sighed "You would not stop... fucking wiggling"

"I like to wiggle" she whined "And you just fucking dead weight, Literally just like put your head down and that was it you where fucking dead" 

"I was tried"

"We literately have to like basically cuddle because of these handcuffs. Which I admit I'm not complaining you are nice to cuddle"
"Aww thank you, your nice to cuddle too" 

"How long have you been up?"

"About an hour"

"why where you up so early?"

"Because I had to pee. But I couldn't wake you up so.... I've just been laying here. Questioning my life decisions" 

"Isn't that your usual morning?"

"Yes, but I usually have a cup of coffee" 

"do you really want coffee? It will make you need to pee. And make you need to poop"

"That's true but I need to function, so coffee is needed" He says "Its the trade" 

"It is, How much do you actually need to pee?"

"Badly, I was very very close to just using the glass next to the bed"

"You do that at any point this week I may murder you" 

"Will you now?"

"I will"

"How will you stop me?"

"I'll just do this with your hand" she smiled climbing out the bed trying to run away "Just pull your arm out" she laughs as she stood trying to tug him out the bed by the cuffs

"Ha! dead weight WINS!"
"dead- Thomas? you weight nothing" she laughs lifting him out the bed and throwing him on the floor "Mother fucker you got a BMI of  two! you weight as much as a litter of soft drink soaking fucking wet" 

"I am not that slender!"
"Yes you are thomas, Now come on we both need to pee"

"Okay, so... we have done our morning toilet and such and we now have clothes on so. I had no idea what the plan is for today other then trying very very hard not to kill each other" 


"Trying not to"

"I will not try very hard" 

"Its currently Quarter to Eleven, getting up and getting dressed takes way longer now, so ... I don't know, we do need to go to the store But I don't want to because.. people are going to stare, and I don't want that"

"we can just hold hands and pretend... do be a couple"
"Maybe" I sighed 

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