Hobbies You Do Together

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Steve- After a while, Steve noticed that you were into taking photos of random things, and taping them up on your wall.  One day, he confronted you about it.

"Hey," he said.  You turned to look at him after hanging up a photo of a tree.  He laughed awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" You smile.

"I'm putting up pictures that I took." You point at the one you hung up.  "This one is of a tree, with the sun's rays shining through it.  I think it really shows off God's beauty." He nods, and you know he has no idea what you're getting out of pictures.

"Okay," you say.  "Look at this one.  It's a picture of a kitten and a puppy playing together.  It shows that two different species can get along." You smile, remembering when you went to your friend's house to take pictures of her adorable pets.

You turn to look at Steve, and a smile is spreading across his face.

"What?" You ask.  He turns to look at you.

"Do you think I could give it a shot?" You raise an eyebrow.  Where did this sudden curiosity come from?  But you nod anyway.

"Sure, I'm going by my friend's house to take pictures of her horse.  You could come along if you want." He nods.

"That's sounds great!" He runs off, you hoping that he's not just trying to impress you.


"Try getting him to rear up," you yell at your friend, and she nods.  She pulls on the reigns, letting out a huge war cry, and her horse reacts, rearing on its hind legs, whinnying majestically.  Your camera clicks away, a smile planting itself on your face.  Behind you, you feel Steve watching you, and you try not to fidget, focusing on your hobby.

Suddenly, he gently sets his hand on the camera.

"Can I try?" He asks politely.  You nod, and let him hold it, showing him where all the buttons were.  He nods, and leans in to take the picture.  You wave at your friend to do something, and she nods, understanding.  She leans over to pat her horse on the neck, and the horse shakes its head.  Steve clicked the camera, and looked back towards you, smiling.

"Alright, let's see," you say.  Steve hands you the camera, and wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.  You didn't mind, you weren't even surprised.  He was a very cuddly person.

You look at the picture, and grin widely.

"It's beautiful, Steve." You peck a kiss on his cheek, and he smiles.

"Yeah, I think I like this hobby of yours.  What other things can we take pictures of?" You smile to yourself, thinking of all your favorite spots.


After that, Steve would spend hours going from place to place, taking photos and hanging them up in your room.  You eventually got him a scrapbook, and he filled it up within a week.  He seemed disappointed, but you showed him how you could put cute doodles and small cut-outs on the paper, to make it more unique.  He looked at you.

"Could you help me?  It wouldn't be special unless you were involved." You blush, and start handing him glue and glitter pens.  You worked together well, suggesting details and adding more and more stuff, until you finally decided to stop and let the book dry.  You curled up together on the couch, watching the sun set outside.  Living in an apartment in New York City, most people didn't get the view of the sunset.  But, just between two skyscrapers and to the right of the Statue of Liberty, you could see the glowing ball of gas sinking below the sea of New York.

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