VIII - Peace

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La Lune - Billie Marten
The Navigator - Vian Izak
Never Stop Loving You - Rictor


A month had passed since our wedding. I had slowed down working at the hospital to part-time. Without Izuna and Yumi, there was a lot to be done around the house. Around our house. I still became giddy thinking about our wedding.

Instead of wearing our wedding rings on our hands, we opted to wear them on a necklace, as we were both active people. A silver chain held my engagement and wedding ring above my heart and I often played with them out of boredom or nerves.

Madara had a lot of leadership duties to complete so he was gone most of the day. The Uchiha had fought twice with the Senju during the past month and right now Madara armored himself to leave for a third battle.

I watched from the bedroom doorway as he finished wrapping his calves and securing all his weapons. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about the possibility of him not returning.

He sighed and came to stand in front of me. "Lea, don't worry so much. I'll be fine."

"I can't help it," I whispered, "You're everything to me and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too." I covered my face with my hands and cried harder. I guess you could say I've developed a phobia of losing people after my mother and sister died.

Madara held me, rubbing my back gently and my tears gradually subsided. He pulled away and cupped my face with his gloved hands, wiping away the remaining tears. "I'll see you later, okay?" He whispered and tenderly kissed my lips. "I love you," He breathed after pulling away.

"I love you too," I whispered in answer. He turned and left, leaving me to watch with fear churning my stomach into nausea.


It was the evening of the next day and I sat by an open window in the living area, reading a book. A breeze ruffled my hair and the setting sun cast an ominous golden glow across the room.

A knock sounded, breaking my concentration. Who could it be? I went to the door and slid it open only to reveal a very tired and beat-up Madara. I barely felt the brush of his warm chakra; he was almost out.

A gasp escaped me, "Are you okay?!" He nodded, moving to step over the threshold but began tipping forward instead.

He grabbed the doorframe and steadied himself. "I'm just dandy, Lea," He said jokingly.

"This isn't funny, Madara! Where are you hurt?"

"Just a few cuts and bruises. I want to clean up first then take a long nap," He closed his eyes, imitating a blissful expression.

"C'mon then," I wrapped my arms around him and half dragged him into the house, sliding the door shut behind us. We painstakingly made our way to the bathing room where I began heating the soaking tub.

As the tub was heating, I turned to Madara who had been watching me and began to unbuckle the straps that held his weapons. "I can do it, Lea," He tried to undo his belt but I swatted his hands away.

"Learn to accept help from people who love you, please." He only sighed and stood patiently as I fiddled the rest of his clothes off; the weapons being placed in a corner and the clothes set aside to wash later.

I set him on the stool and started scrubbing from head to toe; working out the battle's dirt, sweat, and blood. The tension slowly left his body and he started talking about the fight.

Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Where stories live. Discover now