XIV - Reunion

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Your Shirt - Chelsea Cutler
Keep Me Warm - Juniper Vale, Vian Izak, Ben Laver
Favorite Dream - The Careful Ones
The Way I Love You - yaeow, Neptune


Another week passed slowly. Thankfully, I was able to visit Madara every day and we talked about baby names, the things he did while I was gone, and everything in between really.

Sometimes we would just sit in calm silence, or I would take a short nap beside the cell's bars so that I could feel close to him.

While talking, we decided to name the firstborn son Izumi, meaning "spring" or "fountain", because it's a blend of Izuna and Yumi's names, and the second son Yuji, meaning courageous second son, because it's a mixture of Tajima and Yumi's names.

Today, Kakashi said I would be meeting the doctor who would help me through the rest of my pregnancy and delivery. I got dressed and met Kakashi at the front door after eating. We walked in silence to the hospital, only broken by him telling me not to reveal any information about Madara's revival to anyone.

I agreed, Kakashi left to run some errands, and I went into the plain hospital room. An average-sized man in a white coat greeted me. "Hello, Lea. My name is Doctor Shin. How are you today?"

He had a softer expression and his graying hair created a well-rounded, gentlemanly appearance. "I'm doing good." He gestured to the bench and I seated myself, waiting for him to continue.

He grabbed a clipboard and read off it. "So, Lea, you're six months pregnant and here for a checkup, correct?"


"Alright, please lay down. I am going to use an ultrasound machine to see the babies."

"What is that?" I questioned skeptically as he rolled a machine with a screen to the side of the bed.

"This is an ultrasound machine. Using this, we can see the babies inside your womb."

"Huh... cool." I've never heard of something like that but I guess it was possible, especially with the technological upgrade that's happened between the Warring Era and now.

I laid back as he instructed but stayed on guard. I still don't trust this new technology or people, for that matter. He pressed a few buttons on the machine and a question came to mind. "Can you—"

My sentence was cut short as he whirled around, syringe in hand, and shoved a needle into my arm, emptying its contents. "What did you just do?!" I yelled and attempted to pull away from him but suddenly my body felt heavy. Fuzziness seeped into my vision but I tried to blink it away.

No, no, no... What was he going to do? Panic filled my body but I still couldn't move. "I've paralyzed you, for now, Lea," The doctor's words were quiet against the pounding of my heart that drummed inside my head.

"Don't worry, it will wear off in a few minutes," He chuckled to himself. I could only watch in fear as he pulled my shirt up, exposing my swollen belly, and grabbed a syringe from his coat pocket, popping off the cap that protected the long needle.

In one hand, he slowly rubbed a piece of the ultrasound machine over my belly and in the other, he hovered the needle above my abdomen.

Tears slid down my face as I willed my body to move, to kick, fight, scream, run, but nothing happened. It took all of my control just to breathe and blink slowly.

"There we go," He spoke calmly, inserting the needle into my stomach but I couldn't feel a thing. He squeezed the syringe slowly, emptying its liquid contents, and pulled it out, setting it on the counter.

Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora