Author's Note/Dedication

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Hi everyone!!! I'm so excited you've decided to read this!

I thought of this story while trying to fall asleep and I really enjoyed it so I thought I would try to write it out ^-^ It does follow the storyline of Naruto and I tried to stick as close as possible to the timeline as I could while still being creative.

It's okay if you haven't seen Boruto but I do reference a villain from the show so if you don't know him, you can always look him up.

Some slightly gory scenes but if you've seen Shippuden, you'll be fine. None of the pictures are mine either unless stated otherwise. Oh, and you pronounce Lea like Lee-ah, although I think that's kinda self-explanatory XD

I have also put together a playlist of songs that I thought fit the story quite well. These songs have really helped me write the story and I'm so thankful to people who make music. Seriously, I would have like no ideas without songs *sweatdrops* At the beginning of each chapter, I will put which songs go with that chapter.

Here's the Spotify playlist link:

And the YouTube link:

I dedicate this story to all Madara lovers (seriously, he's the best villain, hands down) and to my mother, who watched Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and all the movies with me (filler and all lol). After I told her about my idea, she was so excited and made me read it to her, where she gave me pointers and tips from the audience's perspective. She still tells me to send it to Kishimoto so they can animate it because she thought it was such a good story *sweatdrops* yeah I won't be doing that XD

Anyway, without further ado, let the story begin! Have fun reading and don't hesitate to voice your thoughts!!!


Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Where stories live. Discover now