P - Friend

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Picture Perfect - Jolé
Waking up Slow (Piano Version) - Gabrielle Aplin
Started with you - CHPTRS
Oh What a Mess I'm In - Hayden Calnin


"Over here, Lea!" My childhood friend, Madara, called to me.

"I've got you now!" I shouted back. Madara, me, and a handful of Uchiha children were playing a special form of tag where the "it" is blindfolded and the rest of the players call out to give away their location but then try to confuse the "it" by running around.

I lunged forward and extended my arm, splaying my fingers out. I felt the whisper of fabric on my fingertips as Madara moved swiftly out of my grasp. I pouted as he exclaimed, "You'll forever be too slow, Lea! This is why you're always 'it'!"

He and the rest of our friends erupted into laughter to which I joined shortly after. Nothing could go wrong with a handful of good friends by your side.

"Madara! What do you think you are doing?! We have been looking everywhere for you!" Upon hearing the booming, gruff voice, everyone's laughter ceased and their footsteps quieted as they ran away from Madara's father, Tajima. I stood still and lowered the blindfold to be around my neck.

"I wanted to play with my friends, father..." Madara said, matter-of-factly. "I haven't been able to see them in a few days so I thought I could spend some time—"

"You thought you could spend some time with them and not spend time doing your duties?!" Before I could even blink, his fist raised and flew towards Marada's face. I flinched as Madara fell on his bottom, holding his cheek.

"You're twelve years old for god's sake! You should be practicing your sword fighting right now, not meandering with some- some mere children! Have some dignity, son... lest you forget your place in this clan." Tajima bent over and reached out to grab Madara's arm but he stood abruptly, staying just out of his father's reach.

Madara spit blood out of his mouth then turned to fixate his narrowed, dark eyes on my wide, bright blue ones. I realized that he was trying not to show his true feelings of sadness and pain.

Instead, his eyes held a look of feigned calmness. "I'll see you tomorrow, Lea." Before I even had a chance to respond, he turned and walked away; his father following while lecturing him.

My knees shook slightly and I swallowed hard. My throat felt dry from the anxiety of seeing his father so upset and watching Madara get hurt. Tentatively I took a step toward my house, then another; willing my weak knees to carry my small body home.

Once I turned on the main road, the buzz of life filled my head. Merchants shouted for customers, the blacksmith's hammer steadily beat its anvil, and the constant chatter of other street dwellers became a roar in my ears. Not paying the busy street any attention, I steadily walked towards home along the worn street.

Our wooden, one-story house had a tiny lawn in front, with a small garden and yard behind. My mother and I have lived here since my birth.

Climbing the few steps, I slid the door open and stepped inside. I took off my shoes and ventured further into the house. My mother was cleaning the kitchen up after cooking our dinner.

"Hey, sweetie!" Her bright voice calmed my nerves instantly. "How was class today? Did you get to play with your friends?" She continued wiping the counter down while questioning me.

"Class was good. We started learning how to suture wounds..." Unlike most kids my age, I wanted to be a medical ninja so I could heal people. "I did get to play with them after class. We played 'it'."

Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Where stories live. Discover now