XII - Time

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Berenstein - The Band Cameo
Where's My Love (Acoustic) - SYML
Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Alex Sloan


The white light faded and I was weightless, falling through the sky. I screamed in fear but stopped and thought through my options. I flipped over, spread my arms out to slow my fall, and took in the surroundings below me.

Nine tailed beasts sat in a large circle around another smaller circle of people. Four others stood in a semicircle around a person in white clothing in the center of it all.

I looked directly below me to see a shirtless man with black pants laying motionless on the ground. Another man in red clothing kneeled next to him.

Wait... is that— "Madara?!" I screamed. The warmth of his chakra was a dull hum in my senses. Madara's eyes widened below me and the man in red, who I recognized as Hashirama, looked up at me.

I was almost to the ground when trees emerged from the dirt and spiraled toward me wrapping around my body and gently lowering me to the earth.

The trees receded and I dropped to my knees by Madara's side. His eyes widened at me and he whispered, "Lea." I reached up and brushed the strands of hair from his face. 

"I'm here, Madara. What happened? Did Urashiki hurt you?" I pulled my hands from his face, hovering them over his chest while gathering my chakra to heal him. The pale face of Hashirama on his upper left chest caught my eye. That wasn't there before so what had happened?

He reached a shaky hand to my cheek and gently caressed it. "Is it really you? How are you here?" His voice was a mere whisper and tears slid from his purple, ringed eyes.

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean? It's only been a few minutes since Urashiki kicked me out of the portal he made."

Madara's eyes widened and his hand stilled on my face. Hashirama came to stand next to me, tentatively putting a hand on my shoulder. "Lea... considering you're still in the same clothes from the festival, Urashiki must have used a time travel Jutsu. You've actually been gone for around eighty years..."

"Eighty years...?" I whispered in shock looking at Madara. "That's not— How is that possible?"

"I don't know..." Hashirama answered quietly, taking his hand off my shoulder. Madara's breaths became softer and I felt his chakra dimming.

"Hey, stay with me. It's going to be okay," I cupped Madara's cheek as he struggled to keep his focus on my face.

"Lea, Madara had the tailed beasts extracted from him... He's going to die," Hashirama spoke slowly.

I shook my head, tears making their way down my cheeks. "No, he's not," I retorted as an idea came to mind. "Why do you have cracks across your face?" I questioned Hashirama. If it's from what I think it is, then I have a plan.

"I've been brought back to life with Tobirama's Reanimation Jutsu." Good. All my studies of the Senju clan were starting to pay off. Now I just needed him to not suspect me.

I stood, turning to Hashirama. "I'm really sorry," I whispered.

His brows furrowed in confusion, "For what—" I slammed my palm to his chest and pulled out his life force chakra. It pooled blue around my hand and I knelt next to Madara, putting my hand on his bare chest and pouring the chakra into it.

It's like the chakra transfer technique I learned a few months ago except I took out the pure life force and all of Hashirama's chakra instead of a little bit.

Love's Test of Time (Madara Uchiha x OC)Where stories live. Discover now