•☯︎︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹☯︎︎•

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Jason's pov
The doctors had instructed Jason to go home and to get some rest whilst they monitored Alice a little while longer.
They wouldn't let her come home as the first 24 hours of someone suffering from a concussion as severe as hers should be strictly monitored incase they fall unconscious, vomit or have a severe headache, and she had all three which wasn't very helpful in her case, not only that but because of the various conditions she suffers with they'd much prefer it if she was with medical professionals so that they can alter her meds accordingly in case they affect her differently with the concussion.

Jason arrived at Alice's apartment where she had instructed him to stay so that Milo wasn't alone, of course when he had gotten there, Milo was already uneasy at the fact Jason was without Alice, but he soon came around after some fusses and food both provided by Jason.
Jason found himself checking her apartment in case there was any blood traces on the floor or empty wrappers, just so it was clean and ideal for her once she had gotten home.
After picking up bits of bandages off of the bathroom floor he realised the door at the end of the hall which he'd never really paid attention to before. As much as he hated to pry he couldn't help but to peak just incase there was anything there. He cracked the door open enough so that he could just about fit his head through and was greeted with a cream walled room with various plants and canvases dotted about the place, aswell as pots filled with brushes of different sizes and a half finished canvas that was placed gently upon an easel in the mid point of the room. Jason, who took a few moments to take the scenery in was quite shocked at the fact the young girl took up a hobby like this, he thought it was... cute.
After being captivated by the scenery for a while, Jason's eyes met a faint stain that was barely visible unless closely inspecting the floor  but it seemed to catch Jason's eye just fine.
Instantly realising that the stain was blood he knew that must've been where Alice had fallen, he made his way to the kitchen to get a wash cloth and quickly cleaned the mess in the art room before closing the door again just like it was left and then made his way to the living room to do some more cleaning.

Alice's pov
The doctors had been in and out all day with various tests and check ups as well as plenty of meetings with the mental health teams because as someone who has been sectioned quite a lot, they have to assess every injury in detail in case there are anything mentally concerning involved.
Thankfully, they took her word for the fact that this whole ordeal was over the fact she had gotten up to fast after sitting down painting for a good few hours. However, from telling them that, they needed to test her for various blood and iron issues like anaemia which thankfully came back negative, but they did have to alter her meds which came as a huge annoyance to the girl as she had not long gotten used to the old adjustment the doctors had made.
So now instead of her being on paroxetine and xanax, it was now paroxetine and valproate which was meds used for people that suffered with bipolar even though she didn't suffer with it she would clearly show episodes of mania when having her episodes.

The evening had rolled around and Jason was back to see the girl once more for the night. It was about 6:30pm when he arrived and he didn't end up leaving till gone 9.

"How are you feeling? He asked, taking her hand in his.
"Ive been better..." she replied, avoiding his gaze.
"They c-changed my meds again. They think the Xanax made me too drowsy and that's what caused me to fall the way I did." She added.
Jason furrowed his brows at her reply, showing an obviously disliking of the fact she had fallen to begin with.
"It's for the best, I know it's frustrating but I'm here and we'll get used to the change together okay?" Jason stated, watching a pink tone burn at the young girls cheeks. She liked listening to him speak that way to her, it made her feel calm and reassured.
"How's your head?" He asked, obviously having nothing else to say.
"Like I'm being kicked over and over again, the nausea has gone thankfully, don't know how much longer I could've put up with it". She laughed.
The room filled with a silence that was soon broke by the doctor entering the room once more.
"Just routine meds" he explained.
Alice groaned, she hated it more than anything, they preferred it if she was on IV meds for her time here just so they knew she was taking them, just the sight of her bruised wrist there the it was, you could tell it hurt her a lot. Showing obvious signs of discomfort, Jason took her hand in is to try and offer some for of support and to her surprised, it actually helped to an obvious extent.
After the doctor had finished administering her meds, he informed Jason that the visiting hours were coming to an end, Alice, obviously saddened by this, kept hold of his hand when he tried to get up.
"P-please don't go" she said, practically whimpering. He frowned at the girl, clearly seeing she was far from comfortable being there, he then remembered that he had brought her phone up with him, so he had an idea.
"I forgot to show you, I brought your phone with me, and don't worry I also have your charger and headphones, how about I FaceTime you as soon as I get back with Milo and we can talk until you fall asleep? I know it's not the best but it's better than nothing." He explained, whilst emptying the contents of his pockets onto her table that was laid across her bed.
Alice, knowing there was nothing she could do about him staying, nodded her head in defeat
"I'll call you as soon as I'm home, I promise." Jason said, before placing a kiss on her forehead and turning towards the door. All Alice could do was watch him leave, feeling empty as soon as his lips had parted from her.

20 minutes had passed by and Alice laid, glued to her phone in hope that it would light up with his name, it was 'Giant🪨' this was an inside joke of there's because Alice stood at 5 feet tall and had been that height since she was 16, she was now nearly 20 and still had not grown an inch, whereas Jason stood at 6 foot 3 inches at 22, nearly a foot and a half taller than the girl.
She decided to pass the time by addressing her 'fans' as to where she had been, she'd normally post daily quotes and other sorts of motivational things but she hadn't for the whole day and it started to worry people.

She decided to pass the time by addressing her 'fans' as to where she had been, she'd normally post daily quotes and other sorts of motivational things but she hadn't for the whole day and it started to worry people

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OnlyAlicexo So, funny story!
I definitely didn't get up too fast and fall.
A slight concussion but other than that I'm all good.
Thank you for the sweet messages, apart from a bruised ego I'm okay :)
Take this as a warning, drink water! And get up at a reasonable pace not at a million miles an hour.
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Not long after posting Alice' phone had lit up
'FaceTime call from Giant🪨'
Alice let in ring twice before answering.
'Hello, shorty" Jason spoke, gaining a laugh from Alice.
"Hello!" She yawned back.
Jason chuckled at the sight.
"I saw your post, how are you feeling? Even though I left about half hour ago."
"Starting to get sleepy, guess that means the meds are working, the lights are bugging me though, they have different spaces between them and there's an odd number in my room." She groaned. Jason laughed once more.
"Sounds awful, whatever will we do." He replied sarcastically.
"You're so funny" she replied, mocking him whilst rolling her eyes.
After a few hours of talking about anything and everything, Jason could see the girl beginning to drift off, causing him to smile to himself, he loved it, he loved her...
"Goodnight, shorty, I love you..."
'Ending call'

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