•☯︎︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽☯︎︎

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     After spending the whole afternoon deciding where the two would go, after countless hours of Jason throwing suggestions and Alice picking them apart piece by piece, they finally decided on going late night shopping, it was as close to a normal human activity as it could get, plus food was running low and ever since Jason was on the scene he reassured Alice's mother that he could bring her food since she often worked away. This was a big relief for her in terms of travel.
     Alice spent a few hours putting together a short but sweet list of what food she would like to pick up, including her favourite ice cream and some toiletries. "Late shopping starts at 7:30, since it's a Thursday it shouldn't be too busy but just to be safe, I've set out your meds, got your lanyard with your hand sanitiser attached as well as your mask exemption card but I know you wear one anyway it's just there in case it gets to much for you alright?" Jason announced, setting the last of Alices's pills in a small plastic bottle for her.
Alice nodded at the plan, although the slight uncomfortableness she was feeling over the fact she'd actually be leaving the house for a different reason than what it would normally be, it was soon dimmed by a sense of desperation to get it over with.
"When did you last take your meds?" Jason asked, staring at the clock above the microwave. "Uhh 3:30 I believe." Alice replied, Jason worked out the time it had been since she had last taken them and knew it wouldn't be long until her next set.
"Okay well it's 7 now, it's gonna take us about half hour between getting Milo sorted and getting the the store itself so as soon as we get there you'll take your meds okay?" Jason said, hoping she heard, she nodded in agreement and began to harness up Milo.
Jason finished loading Alice's rucksack and was waiting on the sofa for her.
"Does this look okay?" Alice asked, exiting her room and stopping just at the island of the kitchen. Jason glanced over at the girl who was wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie with a pair of trainers. "Yeah, of course you do" he smiled, red tinting at his cheeks.
She smiled at his response whilst walking over and grabbing her bag off of Jason.
He took that as her showing she was ready to leave so he took Milos lead and waited by the door for Alice whilst she checked the apartment for anything else she'd need.
"Wait I need my-" "your phone and headphones are right here." He said, cutting Alice off whilst holding her headphone intertwined phone in his hand.
She sighed, she tried thinking of any possible excuse to stay a bit longer but she had exhausted every excuse.
She walked towards the door in defeat, Jason catching her gaze.
"We don't have to do this." He stated, resting his hands on her shoulders so that her gaze met his permanently. "I know but if I don't I'll regret it." She replied, trying with everything she could to avoid making eye contact for no longer than a few seconds. He sighed.
Alice opened the door only to look back once more before surrendering to the outside world.

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