Pre one shot... idk

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HELLO! So... idk what I was gonna write hold up..

Oh yeah! Anyway, so I said the last time we talked, that I would write maybe shorts or something... and I finally decided to do it... after I discovered how to make a book completed. So I just un-completed it? Idk... anyway, since it is December and my birthday is coming up imma do a holiday one shot that may or may not have anything to do with the plot to this story, idk yet. I wanna have it out by my birthday... the 18th so yeah. I'm gonna start writing it, I have a few ideas already so hopefully it comes out well.

Btw, my writing style has changed, and hopefully for the better, so just a heads up!

ALSO, how are you guys, it's been a while. Wow this is my first story. I already know it's like trash compared to my other ones so yeah. I really do wanna know how you guys are doing tho... I'm lonely (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ').

Anyway that's it, hope y'all have a nice rest of your night/day and um... cya later?


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