Chapter 9

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Hellooooo! I'm writing this at 1:53 in the morning it may be complete cringe or it may be a masterpiece. Idk yet. I wonder if I'll actually finish writing it today? Also another time skip. A week, the day of the festival. And... they are only going to sing one song not multiple, I changed it last minute sorry abt that...That's it, hope you enjoy!

*insert sound of alarm going off*
I wake up to my annoying ass alarm going off. I groggily get up and go to the bathroom. I go back to my room and look the time, it read 7:15.
I quickly go down stairs and get some breakfast. I eat as quickly as possible. When I'm done I do my normal morning routine, shower, brush my teeth, all the fun stuff. I then put on the outfit we picked a few weeks back. When I'm done the clock read 8:00. I quickly grab my keys, wallet and phone and start walking to Izuku's house. As I knock on the door it quickly flys open with an adorably angry looking Deku.
"You're late" he said as he puffed his cheeks out.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry my alarm went off late. We can get going though." I said as I stuck my hand out for him to take it. I'm still not used to the affection shit and stuff, but I've gotten a hella lot better.

He took my hand and we were off. We were in such a rush I didn't even look at what Deku was wearing. I mean, I knew what he was fucking wearing, I just didn't see what he looked like in it. So when we got to UA and I was able to see Izuku, he looked fucking amazing, I fucking blushed...

 So when we got to UA and I was able to see Izuku, he looked fucking amazing, I fucking blushed

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Pretend he isn't in a magazine...

Same pov:
So...technically I told him what to wear... I was gonna make him look like me, but I guess a little "softer" but he said he'd rather wear more feminine clothes. I don't judge at all and if you do you can go fuck your self.

(What Katsuki is wearing)

(What Katsuki is wearing)

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Same pov:
"...acchan! KACCHAN!"
I was pulled out of my trance as Deku was screaming my name. (Stop it. Just stop I already know what you're thinking)
"Huh? O-Oh, yeah nerd?"
"You were staring at me for like 5 minutes straight! Is there something on my face?! Also your face is red again."
"I'm ok nerd. And no there is nothing on your face you look great. Let's just go inside already..."

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