Chapter 8

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                             ummmm... M-Major time a month or so.....sorry but yeah...

~Time skip~  a month :l

No ones pov:
It's been a month now. They've worked really hard. They've gotten so much closer. Actually they've gotten so close, that their almost inseparable. If you see one of the boys, you'll usually see the other. They finished the songs they need. The festival is coming up in a week. Right now they're at Deku's house, making sure that all the songs were ok.
"Oi, Deku."
"Yeah Kacchan?" Oh yeah! Deku's gotten quite comfortable with Katsuki, so comfortable he doesn't really stutter anymore. At least around him. Actually, it is only around him. With everyone else, he still stutters quite a lot.
"I'm hungry, you?"
"Yeah actually. And we're pretty much done with the songs and they look good. You want to go out?"
^D-Did he just fucking ask me out?! No...he means like to go out of the house and eat right?! Yeah. But what if it's not?! What if he just smoothly fucking asked me out?! WTF?! I don't fucking know at this po-^
"Ok one. Are you alright? You spaced out. Two, where do you want to go eat, the usual or what? And three...DID THE GREAT KATSUKI BAKUGOU JUST STUTTER?! HAHAHAHA! OMG, I hope I didn't transfer mine to you!" Yup, he over thought. He's been doing that lately. Deku's just making him go crazy.
"Haha, ok Kacchan. Well I'm ready to go!"
"Yeah whatever nerd."
So they start walking to where they always go, the kitchen. But, that's only because they make food then go outside or to the park and eat. Free and easy! They get the food ready and walk to the park. They go to their usual spot. Talk about their usual random things. And then go back to Deku's. They were gone for maybe an hour or two. It was already 7 o'clock. It was also Saturday.
"Kacchan. You wanna sleep over? We could watch movies, and play games and stuff."
"Yeah sure. Why not. Let me just tell the hag."

~Time Skip~ after he calls his mom

💥Bakuhoe💥 pov:
Wtf is this nerd doing to me?! He fucking made me STUTTER?! Ugh. He better have forgotten!

After I'm done talking the hag, I go back to his room. When I go in I was not expecting what I fucking saw. In the time that I had fucking left (which was only like 5 fucking minutes) he put on one of my hoodies I fucking left here. And some god damn shorts. But you could barely fucking tell because of how short they fucking were. He looks so damn ADORABLE, but at the same time HOT?! This damn nerd...
"Oi, how come you changed? And why are you wearing MY hoodie?!" I try to sound as annoyed as possible, but apparently it doesn't fucking work because he decides to FUCKING GIGGLE!
"Well, your hoodies are just sooooooo comfortable! They also smell like caramel. And i was wearing jeans and wanted to get comfortable." He paused for a bit. "But, are you ok? Your face is all red." Fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I tried to hide it, how the fuck did he notice?!
"Yeah nerd I'm fine. Can we hurry up and watch the damn movie?!"
"Ok Kacchan!"
We decided to watch End Game and that shit is so fucking sad. I almost cried but stopped myself. Deku...Deku's another story... He's crying his fucking eyes out. He's also clinging onto me. Can't say I don't enjoy it...

"W-Why did Iron Man have to die?! If it wasn't for Peter he'd still be alive!" I've never heard Deku this fucking mad...
"Hey chil... This is just a movie. Plus, we've seen this so many times... And that was the last movie..."
"I know...but he had a daughter and his life was better, but he had to go and save the whole universe! Plus, if Peter didn't mess up in the last movie, none of this would've happened! And Tony just got Spider-Man back! After five full years! (READ FROM HERE!!!)I can't even imagine what it would feel like...I bet it'd feel like if I lost you..." he mumbled the last part but I could still hear him...
"Anyway...let's get to bed, it's getting (yawn) late."
"Y-yeah. Whatever I'll go change..." I quickly untangle myself from him, get some pajamas (He leaves some there just in case) and go to the bathroom. ^What the FUCK WAS THAT?! Did I hear him right? I had to, he was a fucking blushing mess when I looked at him. Oh god, what the fuck is happening to me?! Whatever! I'm ok, Katsuki stop over-fucking-reacting! It's fucking fine!^

No ones pov:
After that little inner monologue with boom boom boi, he went back out to Deku's room. Deku was on his phone, on his bed, curled up...crying. This lit something in Bakugou's heart. He didn't like the image of seeing his Deku-no not his Deku, just Deku, crying. After that weird mixup, he went to comfort the little broccoli boi.
"Hey Deku, what's wrong?" He said in the most softest voice he could, which was surprisingly soft.
"O-Oh. Umm... It's just mind. You're gonna think it's weird..."
"No it's ok, just tell me"
"Ok. Well when I was talking about the movie, and how I couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose someone you cared about, I remembered that I could imagine, I know how it feels." ^Oh god Deku, no don't think about it. Please be something else^ "I lost my dad when he left me. I lost you... But then I got you back! And I'm so happy, you have no idea. But, what if I lose you again? W-What if I do something wrong? I can't lose you again. I'm too happy, I don't want this to be over." He was sobbing as he said this and it broke Katsuki's heart. He couldn't believe Izuku thought he'd leave him again, or how he made him happy.
"Deku. Look at me." As he said this, his voice had a mixture of emotions. Guilt, saddens, anger, happiness.
"I am not leaving ok? That was the biggest mistake I've ever made and I regret every single fucking day. You make me happy too, and I am so so sorry for leaving you. It won't happen again, I promise."
Izuku, couldn't believe his ears. Katsuki just said sorry. He said he makes him happy. He said he would never leave him again! He promised actually! Izuku couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up and hugged him. Bakugou was surprised at the sudden movement, he hesitated, he wasn't use to hugs, but he hugged back. Izuku cried on his shoulder, but this time they were happy tears. Bakugou was happy, he felt like weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.
"Thank you Kacchan." Izuku whispered, if you can even call it that, with a shaky voice.
"You're welcome Izuku"

💥Boom Boom boi💥pov:
Wait. Did-Did I just call him Izuku? It's been a while. It feels foreign saying his name, but it also feels right. As I was thinking this, he slowly backed up. He was still holding onto me, but I was able to see his face. He had puffy red eyes, tear stained cheeks, and a look of shock and happiness.
"Y-You just called me Izuku. You just called me Izuku! It sounds weird, but a good weird!" He is so fucking adorable. His eyes are closed now, with a smile that can make animals think that it's noon.
"Heh. Don't get use to it, I'll still call you Deku, but not as often." After that he slowly opens his eyes. Soon his smile fades and he stares into my crimson ones, and I stare in his emerald. His huge, beautiful, bright emerald eyes. I don't realize that we were moving forward until our noses touch. My body moves on its own and soon, I feel a pair of  lips on mine. I was surprised but went along with it. His lips were so soft, and warm. He tastes like the Doritos we just ate. Soon we break apart, because of lack of fucking air. When I open my eyes he's crying again. I start to panic. ^What the fuck?! I messed everything up! Fuck, he hates me now. DAMMNIT!^
"K-Katsuki..." I quickly snap out of my daze as he says my name.
"I-I like you! I like you a lot! I'm sorry, but I was scared to tell you. I really enjoyed the kiss. It was so soft, and your lips are just amazing. You somehow managed to still taste like Carmel, even after eating all those Do-" I stop him from ranting longer by kissing him again. He was shocked, but melted into it after a few seconds. This kiss was much more passionate. It was full of love, I fucking loved it. As I pull back I tell him...
"I like you too nerd. Now let's get to bed, it's late."
After that me get into his bed and he cuddle against my chest. He's so warm. It's nice, I could get use to this...

Hey guys... been a while. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna write the rest of the book in mostly Bakugou's or No one's pov. That's really it, inhope you enjoyed! Bye loves!

Word count 1677

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