Chapter 12 - Revelations & Lies

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"Excuse me? Elena, what the hell happened to my uncle?" I growled.

"We were attacked at work and a bomb went off, we were blown out of the third floor of the building. He landed on top of a car."

"What in the fucking hell is going on? This can't be a coincidence, too many things happening." I muttered, hanging up on Elena after she said she'd see me in the hospital.

"You two need to go now." I whispered to Brian and Mia.

"They're watching us." she replied.

"Go to my place and we'll let you know what the next step is." I said.

"Where are you going?" Brian asked.

"To the hospital."

"Why?" the three of them asked.

"Hobbs is laid up . . . got blown up out of his own building from the third floor. He asked for me and you." I told Dom.

"What the hell is all of this?" Brian asked.

"I don't know but we will find out and let you know. We need to go and so do you, now." I told them.

"Let's go." Dom said, pulling me towards his car.

My head is pounding from the blast and the thoughts running through my head. Thoughts that I hope and pray are caused by my own paranoia.

"What happened?" Dom asked.

"I don't know, Elena said that they were attacked and something about them being thrown out of the third floor of the building."

"We have to change first." Dom said.

"I think there's still some of your clothes at my place."

"Alright, let's go clean up and then we'll go to the hospital."

It took us about another 20 minutes before we were actually cleared to leave and then another half hour clean up while we argued with Brian and Mia about sending them out of the country. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, I'm feeling a bit of pain and achy in a few places that I wasn't before in addition to the pounding headache. I'm getting a little dizzy too but I have to go, I have to see my uncle and figure out what the hell is happening.

"Hey, you don't look too good." Dom said when we got into the car.

"I'm fine, just a headache. I want to see Hobbs, I need to see my uncle."

"I know . . . we're going straight there." he said, taking my hand softly in his.

"Then we go to Tokyo."

"Then to Tokyo." he repeated.

As Dom drove and talked to his friend Mando, I can't sit still. I'm fidgeting and moving around, my nerves and anxiety are annoying me. Whenever I think of my uncle I think of this big, indestructible Hulk type man and the fact that he's laid up in the hospital right now . . . oh! After falling out of the third story of the DSS building (I looked up reports) is one hell of a come to earth snap back to reality for me. He's not indestructible anymore and that scares me. As soon as we got to the hospital, I went searching for Elena.

"What really happened?" I asked her.

"I was in my car, ready to leave when Hobbs came down to bring me something, then he went back upstairs alone. I was still in the parking lot when I heard gunshots and I ran back upstairs. The office was a mess, they broke almost everything in it fighting. Next thing I know, Hobbs grabbed me and we were flying out of the window after the bomb went off. I didn't even see the damn thing. We landed on the roof of a car, Hobbs maneuvered us around so that he would take the brunt of the fall and I landed on top of him." she said and I could almost feel her guilt.

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