Chapter 16 - Sky High & Demons

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"Tej!" we shouted.

"He's gonna need the demon love child between that . . ." I started, pointing at a Humvee.

". . . and that." Dom finished, pointing at a Charger.

"That's a lot of armor. It's just gonna add more weight. Slow you down." Tej argued.

"This time, it ain't just about being fast." Dom said.

"Never thought I'd hear you say something like that." I smiled.

"Neither did I." he replied.

"Ok Toretto, time to tell us what the hell is going on." Letty said.

It took Dom and Tej about 10 minutes to tell us everything with some help from Sheppard on more of the technical parts of the plan. They used this explanation, to finish figuring out some more troublesome details. These guys are fucking crazy that's for sure, the plans that they come up with are terrible sometimes . . . most of the time.

"Are you out of your mind? Cars don't fly." I argued.

"They're going to this time. Kaylee, can you ride?" he asked and I know he's not talking about his crazy ass plan.

"I can ride." I stated.

"Okay then, let's get this started." he smiled.

Everyone picked a car and started working on enhancements and alterations that were needed for this job. Brian and Tej were smart enough to keep Roman far enough away from me, it's for the best. I also noted the worried looks that Brian and Tej were shooting my way. This is gonna be a long-ass job, for sure.

"Kay, are you okay?" Dom asked.

"You worried more than they are?" I asked from under the hood of my car.

"Should I be?"

"I'm fine, Toretto."

"I know that but I also know you better than anyone in here and I know when you're holding back tears." he said.

"Do you want me to jump for joy, Dom? We are hunting down the man that I love who, in turn, is hunting down all of you for what we did to his brother. I'm pissed at everything that's happened because he took me for a fool. He fucking lied to me about everything, not that I told him much but damn it, he lied to me about everything down to his fucking name. This hunt is going to cost me, Toretto, someone that I love. He won't stop trying to take the team down but he won't hurt me. And we won't stop hunting until we get him, Dom please . . ."

"I will do my best not to kill him." he sighed. "He's not going to get us, though."

"Thank you and I know, I told him that much but . . . it's all a lot." I sighed.

"Maybe he just wanted to keep you safe from what he does."

"Like my uncle." I smiled softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Dex said that when he stole the file from Hobbs' computer with the names of the people on the team, my name, my file wasn't there. I don't want people to protect me, Dom, I want people who trust me."

"We all trust you and we want to protect you. I'll do my best."

"It's all I can ask."

"Kaylee, the people that you surround yourself with." Dom chuckled.

"Are you really serious about this plan? You really think this is gonna work?" I asked.

"It's one of the best we could think of and Roman's right, the element of surprise will work in our favor. We're gonna need it." he said.

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