Chapter 2 - Memories and Starlight

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"Well, now even I want to know." Cara chuckled.

"Maybe some other time, it's quite a long story." Mia said.

"It all started when he first got to LA, well to our part of LA. I was the last to meet him because I arrived after he did. Vince couldn't stand him and wanted to kick his ass to Tokyo and back for hitting on Mia and . . ."

"I said another time, that's a story to tell with some alcohol." Mia said with a sigh and a laugh.

"Yeah, a lot of alcohol." I agreed.

"I haven't smiled or laughed this much in a long time, I thought I wasn't capable of doing it anymore. How long have I been gone?" Letty asked and suddenly the mood got all serious again.

"A few years . . . we all thought you were dead." Mia softly replied.

"Just about five years, give or take a year or two. When I got back to LA I found out that you had 'died' and it was so awkward going to your tombstone. Especially now knowing that it's unnecessary." I added.

"That's how we spoke again for the first time in years. I saw her at your tombstone but I didn't recognize her." Mia smiled.

"I heard about that, you called me that night and told me all about it." Cara said.

"This is all very weird you know . . . dead for who knows how many years and suddenly I have a family." she muttered.

"You're telling me." I mumbled, making Mia scowl at me.

"Would you stop?" she said, pinching me.

"What? I haven't done anything." I whispered.

"Don't push your luck." Cara said.

I'm so grateful that Cara is here with me. I brought her around for the Brazil job but everyone took to her so well that I've called her in again. She's super protective of me after all that I've told her about my friends and not friends. She knew that this would be difficult for me, even after all of these years and I'm no liar it was but now? Now I just think that it was stupid to worry over it, what happened in the past is just that the past.

They will be together again that much I'm sure of, Dom isn't a pushy man so I'm sure she'll fall for him again. She already worries about him and can't take her eyes off of him most of the time but then again, who could?

Tej turned around and winked my way which made me laugh. We've grown close in the time that we've known each other, hooking up a few times whenever we're on a job but other than that we're just friends. It's all-around easier that way, not getting attached is what I do best.

"I guess it's weird for everyone." Letty said, looking over at Dom and Brian.

"Don't force it, don't push it, you'll work on it on your own time. You're with family now and you'll have your own place for the time being. I mean you can keep the house for as long as you want since I never go there or you can go inhabit the same bed as Dom . . ." I said with a wink making her laugh.

"Thank you." she said.

"No problem, that's what family's for and don't feel bad because I can see it on your face. You'll remember us in your own time, stubbornness is a character trait that's always described you." I told her, just to make her smile.

"We have history, don't we? Bad blood?" she asked, looking right at me.

"What makes you think that?"

"All the dirty looks you were sending my way. You and him have history too." she sighed, turning to look at Dom.

"We all have history here." Mia quickly said.

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