Chapter 15 - Love & Loss

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This isn't going to work out well at all. How the hell am I supposed to remain objective? The man that I love is hunting us and the family that I love is hunting the man that I love. How the hell do I get involved in these situations? Instead of going home, I went up to the peak that Dom, Mia, and I used to drive to and sat on the hood of my car watching the day move along like normal, not knowing the darkness that lays right around the corner. That's all that's left in my heart; darkness from anger and pain.

Before I fell asleep on my car I decided that I really do have to go home, take a shower, and do normal human stuff. I got into my car and made it to the bottom of the hill before I was blocked off and men came pouring out of two black vans with their weapons aimed around our particular area. Who the hell are these people and why are they protecting me?

"Kaylee Cortez?" one of them shouted.

"Who the hell are you?"

One of them opened the door and pulled me out, cuffed one of my hands before I escaped his grip, and swung as hard as I could. I managed to keep one hand free and he let go of me but there are too many men and they grabbed me again. I managed to kick a few knees and got one guy pretty good in the chest before they completely overpowered me.

"Stop fighting! Are you Kaylee Cortez?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Sir, photo confirmation. This is Cortez." another guy said, holding up a phone.

"Get her in the van."

I fought some more but it wasn't getting me anywhere. The guys remained silent as they pushed me into the first van but they kept safely away from my feet. The drive felt like it took forever and I fell asleep once or twice but it really wasn't very long. Then again, I haven't slept in over 24 hours so my sense of time might be askew.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I asked as the van slowed down.

"We're already here, you're going to be helping Toretto help our boss with a mission." one of the guys said.

"Funny, Dom doesn't work for anyone. Let me go!"

"He is now." the guy said as the van doors opened.

"Letty." I said when I saw her.

"Kay, what the hell is happening?" she asked.

"Dominic Toretto is working a special ops job and his team's presence was requested by our boss. That is all that you need to know." one of the men told us.

We're outside of what looks like an abandoned factory or something. One of the men pulled me out of the van but most kept their distance. We were then escorted out of the vans and waiting for a sliding door to life before we were ushered into the door where a team of people was walking around and our team was just standing there around some other guy in a suit. The place is tech heaven, our own personal playhouse. What the hell is Dom involved in now?

"Now your team is . . . why is she in handcuffs?" the suited guy asked.

"She attacked us and we had to restrain her." the guy holding me said.

"You busted her lip." Dom growled.

"Yeah, well, she busted all of them up." he sighed, pointing to the guys that were following us.

"Can someone take these the fuck off and tell me what's going on here?" I demanded, making the guys laugh.

"Release her . . . like I was saying Dom, now your team is complete."

Letty and I walked over to the rest of our team. Letty stood next to Dom and I walked over to Tej, Roman, and Brian. They tried to be subtle but I know they're giving me the brotherly once over. None of them were very happy about my busted lip, you know as if I'm not currently all fucked up and injured anyway.

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