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Me, Denver and Moscu were running like lunatics from the roof carrying an injured Arturo. 

SICILIA:"Helsinki! Get down here!! Hurry!!"

HELSINKI:"What have we got?"

MOSCU:"He is seriously injured!"

ARTURO:"You killed her motherfucker" he muttered referring to Monica 

Tokyo brought everything we needed and placed the man at the hall. 

TOKYO:"Quick! Water!"

MOSCU:"Water water"

TOKYO:"Arturo wait wait up!"

Arturo was screaming in pain. This was a controversial turn over. We had a victim. the first rule was broken. But the truth is that we didn't hurt him, it was the police who did. It was a great opportunity to turn this in our advantage. I could feel professor's mind working and thinking a way how we could make the best out of what was currently happening.

ARTURO:"I need to talk to my wife, please" be begged. I was about to laugh, knowing his affair with Monica.

We were all acting crazy...Shouting to each other, trying to save the man from the dead. We were all in a shock. And in the middle of this shock, I spotted Denver and Moscu leaving. I saw that Berlin was also joining us to help, so I though they were okey, so I decided to follow Denver to see what the fuck was going on. Denver led Moscu to the  basement, I quietly folowed them. Denver opened a door and both of them entered, a moved a little bit closer to hear.

DENVER:"That bitch escaped" WHAT I thought 'He didn't kill her?' 

Millions of thought running: why didn't he killed her? Did he feel anything for her?

The walked out and I tried to hide. They left and I thought maybe I could continue following them or go up again. I decided not to follow them. If Denver wanted to keep me out of this, then I didn't want to learn either. I went back to the main hall where Arturo and the others were. 

BERLIN:"Where were you?" he attached to me

SICILIA:"I am right her Berlin, I left for 5 minutes, damn" 

BERLIN:"Okey okey relax. I didn't say anything! Joder Sicilia you are super nervous, you should lit a cigarette or fuck a little bit" he said and winked. 

SICILIA:"Denver isn't here as well. Go yell at him better."I rolled my eyes and went back to check on Arturo. Nairobi, my best friend, gave me a 'what's wrong look' and I indicated her that we would talk later. 

We were still gathered around and Denver still missing. Until Berlin decided to be good for once in his life and let Arturo talk to his wife.

BERLIN:"What's your wife's name"?


BERLIN:" What a nice name. You can talk to her now."he said and then started his little life speech. He was making fun of Arturo and his romance with Monica. He was starting being harsh. I looked at Rio who was already looking at me. He was afraid of Berlin and he was right.

Arturo was in a middle of a cheesy conversation with his wife. My attention was interrupted from him when Denver arrived 'it was time' I though. He case and didn't even looked at me. I was feeling bad. I didn't know what had gone wrong. Only 2 days ago we would cuddle and talk about the future and today without any explanation he didn't give a shit. 

Then my attention got back to Arturo she he called his wife "Monica".  Berlin found it really amusing. He laughed and celebrated like he had won something. I saw Denver's face. He compassioned? What was that look? I spotted a white piece of paper in his hand. He folded it and put it in his pocket. But it slipped from his pocket and I made Nairobi, who was behind him, to grab it. In the meantime, 3 surgeons had arrived. Basically 2 and one policeman but they assumed that we didn't know. But the Professor was smarter than all of these policeman. Denver dropped the note while putting a medical tool into his pocket. Fortunately Nairobi was pretty discrete and managed to get that note. And then Denver left again. Leaving me full of questions. 

By the time Denver left, Nairobi unfolded the note and red it . She looked at me with a shocked expression and I knew that nothing was right. Meanwhile, the professor had informed Berlin that 2 policeman were about to enter dressed exactly like us. So we changed masks.

The surgeons and the one policeman left in a hurry to cancel what they had planned. 

Then Nairobi waved at me and indicated me to follow her. 

NAIROBI:"Chica listen. The paper was a note from Monica Gastambide. She is alive!"

SICILIA:" I knew that Nairobi I saw her! But why didn't Denver gave the note to Arturo"

NAIROBI: " I don't know girl. It said that she is alive and she loved him, but..."

SICILIA:"He is jealous." I said broken. "He didn't want Arturo to know she cares and that she's alive." I said sobbing.

NAIROBI:"Please Sicilia don't cry. Remember what you said and what you are here about. Don't let love bring you down!"

SICILIA:"You are right. I need no man" 

NAIROBI:"wanna go there? And see what does he have to say"

SICILIA: "no go alone if you want but let him know that I know about her"

So Nairobi left and went downstairs.


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