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I stayed in Berlin's office for a couple of minutes before putting my overalls on and joining the others. I was feeling weak due to the severe blood loose but also because I let them see me in such a state. I trusted Denver and seeing him betraying be like that was really a hard thing to manage, especially in a middle of a heist. My thoughts were confused. I still loved Denver, despite what he did, we had spent so much time together and it is hard to forget all of the memories. 

Berlin, on the other hand. We were always close. Closer than he was with the others. I had never thought of him as something more, but as time goes by, and after what happened with Denver I might start to be attracted to him. 

Anyway, I put those thoughts aside and went down to the hostages. It was supposed to be me who had to oversee them and I didn't know who took my position while I had my little crisis. 

I went down the stairs quickly but steadily, because of the severe pain on my legs from the cuts. I scanned the area for any familiar faces. I spotted Moscu and Denver. 'Great' I thought to myself and rolled my eyes. I wanted to leave but I couldn't leave my job once again. I had to focus to the heist. I was trying to focus on the hostages and not look at Denver and his father, but it was impossible as they were clearly chatting about me. I spotted Moscu pointing at me and saying something to his son's ear. I then saw Denver reluctantly. I was trying not to look at him. It was until he reached next to me that I turned to face him. The face I once loved now made me sick. But who am I kidding, I am still in love with him, otherwise I wouldn't feel that hurt. He stood next to me nervously and tried to speak but no words were coming out of his mouth. 

SICILIA :"May I help you?" I asked sarcastically giving him a fake smile 

DENVER : "Please Sicilia listen to me, let's go back to how we were. I made a mistake. I miss you Maria plea- "he tried to say and grab my arm but I was quick to pull away from him and stop him.

SICILIA:"Try to touch me again and it will be the last thing you will try." I said cold-heartedly and starred deep into his eyes. Oh god these eyes, how am I supposed to fall out of love with them. 'Stand your ground' I told myself

SICILIA:"And what makes you believe you have the right to use my real name?"

He was starring at me like a lost puppy 

DENVER:"Sicilia please give me one more chance, I love you" hearing these words coming out of his mouth made my heart skip a beat but I couldn't forgive him. "I heard what happened with your ex talking to the news. You had an awful day and I wasn't there for you. I wasn't there for the only woman I ever loved." he said with tears in his eyes. My expression was blank but deep inside I was crying. "I feel awful Ma- Sicilia, Sicilia I feel awful for being the reason for being hurt. I -"

SICILIA:"Denver just leave please I can't handle this right now" I said with tears in my eyes as well. He was about to answer, but Moscu interrupted us.

MOSCU:"Son, leave the lady alone, she's clearly upset." he said giving me a smile. I weakly, but genuinely smiled back. Denver took a last glance with his sad eyes and left. Moving across the room to keep on watching the hostages. 

MOSCU: "Sicilia, I know you are overwhelmed right now, but I want to apologise on behalf of my son. I thought I had raised him with manners and ethics, but I was wrong. Fortunately he didn't kill the poor woman-" I scoffed "sorry, but he really hurt you and I can see that. I heard what you did to yourself. I am so sorry hija. Denver doesn't know yet. He would be devastated he really loves you Sicilia." 

SICILIA:"Moscu you have nothing to apologise for. I will always think of you as a great father. I wish my father was half as good as you as a father." I said and we hugged . I noticed that Denver had gone. "I bet he went to fuck his whore again" I muttered under my breath but Moscu heard me but said nothing. "Hey Moscu can you stay for a little alone with the hostages?"

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