Does He Love His Mother?

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Kuroo and I headed out to the town, still hand in hand. I kept thinking back to how he had told his friends about me and smiling. He clearly noticed my head was in the clouds.

"Oi, tiny, snap out of it," he laughed, clicking his free hand in front of my face.

"Sorry! There's my favourite café across the street there," I said quickly, pointing across the road.

He nodded and we crossed over, entering the quaint café. It was pretty quiet for a Friday afternoon, not that I was complaining. The nice waiter came over and took our orders, I ordered a lemonade and Kuroo opted for a cola, we both looked at the menu.

"What about this grilled chicken?" he suggested.

I looked at the description of the dish, "Maybe, but I kinda want a wrap or something."

"Huh? You can't have a wrap for dinner. Am I going to have to start giving you a dietary plan?"

I laughed, "I mean, if it will make me look like you then no thanks."

He grumbled but also laughed at my comment, "The waiters coming. And don't I look good to you?" I blushed, knowing full well that I did think that but I didn't get the chance to reply, as the waiter was waiting to take our order.

Kuroo ordered his grilled chicken and I opted for a wrap. As the waiter walked away, he looked back to me, "Why do girls do that?"

"Do what?"

"Order tiny dishes then want to talk half of their boyfriend's when his comes?"

I pondered the question for a minute, "Well, first of all, you don't even know if I want to take half of yours yet. I suppose it's so we don't look greedy, but in the end, food makes us all weak. Anyways, you have nothing to worry about, seeing as you're not my boyfriend."

He laughed and shook his head at my answer, taking a sip of his drink, "Not yet."

I blushed and hid my face behind the menu, kind of wanting the conversation to be over but at the same time, wishing he would continue. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," he smirked, looking out of the window in the café, "Would you be mad if you were my girlfriend?"

"Uh, I don't think that would make me mad if it was something I chose to do."

He then laughed, "Sorry, that question was weird. I'm bad at talking around you sometimes, (Y/N)."

"Do I make you nervous, then?" I teased.

He wouldn't let me read his true expression and smirked, "I think I make you more nervous, you've been blushing all day since I saw you."

He certainly wasn't wrong, but I wasn't about to admit that, "Food's coming."

We ate out food quickly and if I was being honest, I definitely did want some of his but I wouldn't dare be the one to suggest it. We split the bill after a little bickering about it and headed back out, thanking the waiter. I noticed him checking the time on his watch.

"Do you have to go now?" I asked, walking by his side.

He looked up to the sky, "Not really, but it's pretty dark, so I should probably walk you home."

I shook my head, "No, don't be silly. I'll take you to the train station."

"That's not happening, (Y/N). I'll walk you home," he said firmly, taking my hand and about to walk in a random direction until he stopped himself, "Uh, where do you live?"

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