First Day

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Starting points in life will always continue to be stressful, no matter how many times you try something new.

Moving to a new school a few months into the scholastic year was not in my plan, but it happened anyways. For reasons. I approached the cast iron gates of Karasuno High School. It was a nice looking building, the faces walking around also seemed friendly. The air was nice and crisp.

I made my way to the school office, trying to grab anybody's attention that was willing to look at me. Eventually, I saw a lady sitting behind a desk with some glasses on, peering at her screen. Nervously, I approached her, "Um, hello. My name is Kageyama (Y/N). It's my first day here."

The lady pushed her glasses further up her nose, barely taking her eyes off of her screen, "Uh, huh," she muttered, her long fingernails tapping against the keyboard. She stood up to grab a sheet that she had just printed behind her, "This is your schedule. You'll be on the first floor, all of the classes are numbered, you are in class 1-5." She handed me the warm piece of paper and continued on her typing journey. I sighed, maybe this will just be as bad as last time.

Casting the unwelcoming atmosphere aside, I carried on through the school corridors, looking for my class. I peered into the labelled "1-5" class, seeing many groups of people sitting inside, all of whom seemed to be having fun. I let out a cough I didn't know I was holding and a few students, as well as the teacher, looked over at me.

"Ah," muttered the teacher, "You must be Kageyama (Y/N), nice to meet you. Welcome to class 1-5!"

I smiled at her and bowed my head slightly, "Yes, thank you for having me."

She returned my smile and addressed the class with a clap on her hands, "Okay everyone, I'd like you to give a warm welcome to our new student," she then gestured to me, "Please write your name on the board." I became suddenly a million times more nervous than I thought I was, my hand shaking with the chalk on the board.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kageyama (Y/N), it is nice to meet you," I rushed the words rather quickly out of my mouth. A few giggles were muffled because of my urgency, not that I was expecting any less.

"You can take the empty seat there, next to Miss Hitoka," she pointed to a girl with short blonde hair, I took her indication and sat down, nodding to the classmates near me who looked at me. I readied my note book and pencil case that I had prepared for this exact moment, ready to actually learn things instead of messing about this time.


The morning classes passed by in a frenzy and I felt like I didn't properly take anything in, purely because I was constantly thinking that people were talking about me or looking at me. To be fair, if they were, it was a perfectly normal reaction to a new student coming by. For lunch, I decided to find some courage and asked to sit with Hitoka, who seemed to be drawing at her desk by herself. I didn't exactly need conversation, just someone to sit with to make it look like I wasn't completely alone.

As I ate my sandwich my mother had made me, Hitoka sparked up conversation, "Say, Kageyama, are you related to Kageyama Tobio?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes, he's my twin. Do you know him?"

"Yes, I do! I'm training to be the new manager for the volleyball club, and sometimes I study with Kageyama and his friend Hinata," she smiled, looking up from the concept art she was drawing.

"I see, I think I remember him mentioning something about a Hinata. Is that art you're drawing there to do with the volleyball club?" I questioned, looking at the vague outline of somebody reaching for a spike.

Inspiration [Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now