Training Camp

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A few weeks had passed and I was settling into Karasuno pretty well. My grades were up, I was really enjoying volleyball and I had made a lot of new friends. It was the night before our training camp week in Tokyo and the whole club was buzzing with excitement. Practise was suspended so that we could go home and rest. Tobio and I walked home together. 

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked him happily. 

"Yeah, although I'm a bit nervous," he mumbled.

"Huh? Nervous, why?" 

"'Cause Hinata and I had a fight."

I grumbled, recalling the bruises each of them had. When Hitoka told me about the incident, she was in a frenzy, worried about both of them. I sighed, not knowing if I had the right words to help the situation, "Well, that may be true, but this is probably the best way to fix it."

"Huh? How would spending more time with that idiot fix it?"

I frowned, "He's not an idiot, you don't need to be so mean. He loves volley just as much as you do. That's why you clash, I bet in your heads, you're thinking the same thing."

He looked up at the starry night, letting out a long sigh, "Yeah, maybe. I am just trying to do what I think is best for the team, but I don't think he sees it that way."

We approached out house, taking off our shoes at the front door. "You guys will get there eventually, you both want the exact same thing. It's about finding the right way to utilise both of your skills to the optimum."

Tobio tossed down his bag and looked at me, "You know, I think you will be a good manager, (Y/N)." I followed his back with my eyes as he walked to the dining room to get dinner. 

"Yeah, I hope so."


I woke up to the sound of Tobio knocking on my bedroom door, trying to get me up for our trip. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm awake." I rubbed my hands over my eyes, trying my best to see in my dimly-lit room. My eyes wandered over to the suitcase I had packed, smiling at the clothes Hitoka had helped me pick out whilst we were on video call. I unplugged my phone charger from the wall and threw it in the suitcase and zipped it up, getting ready for the long day ahead. 

Tobio and I walked to school together in silence, mostly because of the tiredness. As we approached, we could see the coach that Hitoka had managed to raise the money for with her posters. Everyone was already there.

"Look who showed up late!" Tanaka said loudly, messing up my hair. 

"I wasn't late, you're all just too eager," I huffed, fixing it back into place. 

"Ah, (Y/N) is grumpy in the morning, that's nice to know," Nishinoya smirked and boarded the bus. 

When I hopped on there was only one seat left, next to Ennoshita. Hitoka had already sat beside Kiyoko. 

"Is it OK if I sit here?" I asked politely.

He laughed, "As long as you're not grumpy the whole way there."

"I'll try my best, I might nap though."

I placed my backpack in the compartment above the seat and the bus bounded down the highway, taking us to Tokyo. 


Upon arriving at our destination, all of the boys were eager to leave the bus and practically clambered out of it, where the other high schools from the area were waiting.

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