Snow Storm

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The closer the train got to Tokyo, the heavier the snow fell. I wasn't even sure what the feeling was inside of me. The closest I could describe was like the morning of a presentation day or the feeling of being in a waiting room for an interview.

Should I bring snacks with me? Is he only bringing me out here to embarrass me? Does he like me?

I sat alone with my thoughts the whole way there, trying to blast music to prevent me from thinking but it was to no avail. Eventually, after what felt like a lifetime, I got to the train station. I disembarked the train, looking around desperately for Kuroo. I must've looked lost, people were muttering under their breath as they rushed quickly by me, probably on their way home from work.

"Is it possible to grow shorter in two months?"

I turned around to see the face I had spent so much of my time thinking about, "Hi!"

He smirked, grabbing my hand, "You're making all the Karen's annoyed by standing in the middle of the platform, let's get out of here."


I was somewhat shocked that he'd decided to hold my hand, seeing as I was sweating like I had been running a marathon.

"What's got you so nervous, (Y/N)? Am I much more attractive than you remember?"

"Are you serious?" I giggled, punching his side as we stood outside of the large train station. "You obviously know why I'm nervous."

He sighed, "Yeah. Don't feel that way, though."

"Oh yeah, cause that helps."

"Shut up," he laughed, tussling my hair, "Please don't feel bad. I understand what happened. I wanted to see you in person because I wanted to tell you this."

"Tell me what?" I looked up at him, confusedly.

"That I like you too."

People whizzed by us like we were in some sort of music video. I couldn't help but stare at his half-lidded, smiling face. Was this even real?

"Y-You do?" I stuttered, looking back down to the cement.

He chuckled at my awkwardness, "Didn't I make it obvious enough on our date?"

I sighed, thinking back to the day. He was pretty forward to be fair, "I just thought you were like that with all girls. I didn't know you were genuinely interested."

His smiling demeanour faltered for a second, "I don't talk to other girls the way I talk to you. Now, come on, do you want to come to my place?"

I blushed profusely, "You couldn't have chose better wording?!"

"Don't be such a prude, are you coming or are you content with just going to go back home knowing that we both like each other and did nothing about it?"

I placed my hand in his outstretched palm, "Fine. But don't be weird."

"No promises."


We walked to Kuroo's house, talking about all the stuff we hadn't been able to in a few weeks. He told me that Nekoma also got into nationals which he was thrilled about and I was so happy for him. He also mentioned something about beating up Hinata because he was the reason we hadn't been able to talk in so long, but I tried to brush it off.

"I missed that," Kuroo said randomly in the middle of our discussion.

"Missed what?"

"Your smile," he looked down shyly as he said it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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