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The Karasuno Volleyball Club's trip to Tokyo was approaching it's end. It seemed that most of the boys had really improved on everything they had wanted to, Kageyama and Hinata also talked a bit more than they had been. The boys had made so many new allies and rivals, and us managers had made a lot of friends too.

After the first night of practising with the guys, I decided not to do so again in case I hurt myself. Coach Ukai was pretty mad at me when he seen what had happened, as was Kageyama. They both called me an idiot and honestly, I couldn't argue with that. Mr. Takeda just mumbled about something to do with paperwork and phone calls.

The boys had finished their matches and individual practise for the day, losing a good few of their games. We headed back to our hostel on the bus, everyone feeling pretty beat. Hitoka, Kiyoko and I had agreed that we'd all take one last bath together in memory of our fun week.

"I feel like this trip has really made us grow closer," Kiyoko said, scrubbing her arms.

I nodded, "For real, we're all best friends now!"

Hitoka seemed pretty sad, however, "We'll miss you when you leave at the end of this year, Kiyoko."

My eyes cast over to Kiyoko who wasn't frowning, but instead was smiling, "I'll miss you girls too. I've never talked to any other girls like this, telling them about my scars, my story, my passions. Even when I'm finished in school, we could still meet up and get food together sometime. You could catch me up on the club, too."

Hitoka and I smiled widely, "Yeah, that sounds amazing! We could totally have sleepovers too, it'll just be like this."

The two girls babbled on about all the plans we could make and things we could do during summer whilst I stared at them with the biggest smile. To think, only a few months ago, I was ready to give up everything and now, I was here.

I'm finally fitting in.


We finished washing up and headed back to our dorms. As it was such a hot and long day, both of the girls were out like a light as soon as they lay down. I on the other hand, couldn't keep my eyes closed. I was well aware of the fact that my phone had been lighting up consistently whilst it was on charge. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it would stick but alas, it felt like my body moved on its own accord. I picked up the phone, squinting because of the brightness, only to be met with the worst thing I think I'd ever seen.


We're already aware of the fact that (Y/N) would do anything to get fucked, but fucking her ex boyfriend's best friend? Isn't that the lowest of the low?

Pictured here: Iwaizumi and (Y/N) getting together in the park. Tut tut, Iwaizumi, aren't you and Oikawa best friends for life?

I stared at the picture in shock. It seemed to be of Iwaizumi and a girl with similar hair to me kissing, but it definitely wasn't me. Of course I'd never went near Iwaizumi, in fact, he'd ignored me most of the time, always hyper-focused on volley or telling Oikawa to get in line. He would always be there to defend me, though, if an Oikawa fan came to harass me. I continued reading the expose on myself.

(Y/N) has also been making the rounds at her new high school, Karasuno. She really can't go five minutes without it, huh?

I threw my phone down on my futon, not wanting to read the rest. Hitoka stirred slightly at the noise. I didn't stay to check on her, though.

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