Niall Horan

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When I was finally ready, I had my long hair flowing wavy over my shoulders. I had found the perfect outfit at the mall that morning. It was a white flowy tee with a union jack on it, and some red skinny jeans. I decided to just wear my white converse with it, and I got Peyton Harry's paper airplane necklace. I had my coach purse with my phone, my wallet, a makeup bag, and my camera inside. I had just walked out of my room when I saw the light by the front door flash. That's our doorbell, since I can't hear regular ones. I walked to the door and opened it to the most beautiful I've seen Peyton in a long time. She was wearing a One Direction tank top and short denim shorts with some black wedge heels. Her shoulder-length hair was perfectly curled and I got really excited when she didn't have a necklace on. The one I got her would match the outfit perfectly. I smiled and signed 'look!' and took out the necklace. Her eyes got huge and I think she might've even squealed a little. I put it on her and she signed 'Its so beautiful!' And gave me a hug. ''Ready to go?'' I signed. Peyton got the biggest smile on her face and she nodded. I walked into my mom's room to tell her we were leaving and then we walked out the front door. I was about to shut it behind me when my brother Nate came up and tapped my shoulder. He's not fluent in signing yet, but he's doing pretty well. He signed question and I nodded. He was having trouble asking, all I understood was 'could you get'.

''Talk slowly.'' I signed.

He sighed and moved his lips very slowly. "Could you get a t-shirt from the concert? Size small?"

I got a huge smile on my face and signed ''So is this a new fashion for boys to wear boy band t-shirts?''

He rolled his eyes and signed ''Please? Its just...for a friend.''


He gave me a hug and signed thank you as I walked back to Peyton by the car.

We got in and she started the car. All I did for the entire hour was look at pictures of One Direction and try to remember who is who. I figured since I was meeting them, it might be a good idea to know who I was talking, or, trying to talk to. I was still scared about trying to talk to them. When we pulled up to the arena, there was already a huge crowd of girls waiting to get in. The doors opened at 5, and it was 4:20. Peyton and I walked up to the line and started waiting. She was explaining to me very excitedly that she tweeted several questions for them to answer, in hopes they would pick one. People were starting to stare. This is why I hate crowds. A girl about 12 or 13 came up to Peyton and said something. Peyton looked irritated and she said something back. The girl rolled her eyes and walked away.

''What was that?'' I signed.

''Some little girl being an insensitive jackass.''

''What did she say?''

Peyton sighed and raised her hands, trying to figure out the right way to sign it. ''She...asked why someone who can't even enjoy the music would even come to a concert. That someone that can hear the music should have a ticket.''

I felt tears well up in my eyes. How could people be so cruel? They shouldn't be able to judge who goes to these concerts. I deserve this ticket as much as anyone. ''Maybe she's right...'' I signed.

''Audrey! Don't let her get to your head! You deserve to be here and that little brat doesn't just for saying something like that.'' she signed madly.

''Thank you.'' A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away and pushed the thought of what the girl said away. There was only 5 minutes until the doors opened, and the girls were getting antsy. Some were chanting "let us in!" And others were standing around shaking or jumping up and down. Peyton was getting really excited and was getting on her tiptoes and watching the doors. Finally, 2 security guards came to the glass doors and started to unlock them. Every girl outside started going crazy and screaming. Pey started pulling on my arm trying to pull us through the crowd to get closer to the door. It took 5 minutes for us to get through the door, with everyone's tickets having to be checked. We went to our section and found the closest merch table. I bought the shirt Nate wanted and a shirt and poster for myself. I already had a sharpie in my purse for when we go backstage, to get autographs. Peyton looked like a crazy person after we bought our things. She had gotten yet another shirt, a bracelet, a poster, a beanie hat, and stickers. She stuck one on her forehead and did the same to me. We went to our section, found our row, and sat down. We had pretty awesome seats. They were on the floor, very close to the stage. We were only on the 7th row. I bet when they came out, we would be able to see their distinct features. We sat down to start our 2 hour wait for the boys.

''Are you excited?'' I signed.

''Excited?! I think I'm going to pee my pants very, very soon.'' She signed back.

I laughed and looked around. Most of the girls were still outside buying merchandise or trying to find their seats. We weren't crowded in yet, and my eyes wandered to the edge of the stage, where I spotted some movement. The curtain was barely pulled back to reveal the most adorable face I've ever seen. It was the blond one...what was his name again? Niall! He scanned the crowd and then saw me staring. He blushed and smiled. I smiled back and tapped Peyton on the shoulder, never looking away from Niall. I pointed to him when Peyton turned around and she almost jumped out of her seat. I saw her hands go over her mouth as she muffled a scream. Niall laughed and waved then disappeared behind the curtain. Peyton turned to me, her eyes bulging.

''Niall Horan just waved at us!!!!'' she signed frantically.

''I know!!''

''Audrey, 1/5 of one direction just WAVED at me!''

I laughed and signed ''I thought you like Harry?''

''I do! I love Harry, but I don't care who it was. It could've been Josh, and I would still freak.''

''Who's Josh?'' I signed with a confused look on my face.

Peyton rolled her eyes, looking very annoyed. ''Josh is their drummer. I've told you this like 5 times, babe.''

''Right, sorry.''

We both took our phones out and I saw a text from my mom. "Be careful, honey! Stay with Peyton and don't go anywhere alone!"

I frowned and rolled my eyes. I replied "Mom, I'm not 11. Stop treating me like a kid. I'll be fine."

I sent another text to Nate that said "I got your lady friend the t-shirt! Need anything else? Maybe you want one too? You two could be twinkies!" He replied back fast saying "Shut up. Thanks sis. I owe you one."

I got on twitter to pass the time and a tweet caught my eye. One from Niall Horan that said "Just looked out at the crowd! You guys look awesome out there! Ready for an awesome show tonight!"

I smiled and put my phone up. I sat there, thinking about scenarios of meeting the boys, waiting for the concert to start. When the lights started to dim and girls started crowding in around us, I could tell the opening act was fixing to come on. I tried to ignore all the dirty looks I got from fangirls for not standing up and screaming, and waited until I would have to face the famous people who I would have to communicate with somehow later, and the feeling of this concert being a bad idea came back.

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