Prologue: Part I

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My life has not been easy at all. I was born in 1990. I lived with my parents and my older brother Luke. But as friendly as a family would dream of being... My family really wasn't. Luke wanted to be a rock star. He was in a band called Sunset Curve with his friends Alex, Reggie and Bobby. He was the lead singer and guitarist in this band. Alex played the drums, Reggie the bass and Bobby was the second guitarist. Our parents were not happy with that fact though. They wanted to stop him, but Luke wasn't stopped that easy. When our parents weren't home and he had to babysit me, we mostly made music. When I was sad or had a Nightmare, he took his acoustic guitar and sang something to me. As soon as their first demo was finished, he got me the very first copy that I could listen to when my parents weren't home.
One day the Situation at home escalated. It was late evening at Christmas Eve and I was supposed to Sleep. But I couldn't, because I heard my mom and Luke fight very loudly. I was almost used to this, but this time seemed different. I didn't want to listen to this and tried to hide under my blanket. Then I heard the front door shutting hard. When I looked out of the window I saw Luke riding away with his bike and a bag and my mom was shouting after him crying. My dad came home and saw my mom on the street. She was hugging him and cried. I also started to cry. My brother left me without saying goodbye. And I had no idea whether he would ever come back.

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